Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 86: Messengers

Reading: Psalm 37:32-40

When we are messengers for God, we need to remember what God is about. Sounds pretty obvious, but how many leaders actually have time for a daily quiet time? How many actually get into His Word on a daily basis? I bet there are quite a few, but I can also bet that there are some who don't. One of the keys of being a messenger of God is staying on His path, and knowing the difference between His values and the world's. Keeping in the Word and in quiet time with Him are ways to do this.
Messengers of God also do everything to promote peace. They strive to bring unity through Christ. All their messages are out of love, and never hate. When we as messengers promote peace among people, we gain trust and understanding about who God is. People don't care what you think until the can see how much you care. Care for people and where they are at before cramming the gospel down their throat. You can show them Christ no matter what the language barrier is by simply loving. You don't have to agree with their lifestyle, but you still need to love. Bring peace, don't cause division.

Reading: Luke 6:37-7:10

Another major aspect of being a good messenger of God is to check your faults before pointing out others' faults. When you are trying to bring the love of God to someone, but jump all over them about something bad in their life, I highly doubt they will listen to you past the blame. Judge and you will be judged by an even greater Judge. When you experience the ultimate patience God gives you as you work through your own faults, you can only then begin to help others with their's. 

Forgive. Forgive even when the other end isn't sorry. This will save you from wasted time on anger and sadness. When you forgive the other person, that then is on them, and no longer your worry. Truly forgive. Don't just say it and not mean it. If you do this, you'll be drinking your own poison anyway.

Give your life away. Don't live for the here and now, or for what the world is offering you. Invest in something a little more with Christ and His mission. When you pour into your own personal gain, you might be happy in the moment, but when you pour into something eternal, you'll be happy eternally.

Look to your Godly examples and mentors. When striving to be a teacher and messenger for Christ, pay attention to what the people you looked up to did. Notice their gifts and how they used them. Ultimately, look to what Jesus did, as He is the example for all.

Guard your heart. Whatever you put in is what will come our, so guard what you listen to, what you watch, what you read and who you hang out with. If you're striving to live a life running after God, you really need to be set apart from what the rest of this world does. Be in the world, but not of it.

Obey the Word. We see what happens to foundations that don't apply the Word. When storms come, you will either be firm in the faith and get through it just fine, or you'll write off everything you heard and read in the Word and crumble when storms come. True wisdom comes from application of the Word. 

Be in Authority. We are all called and authorized as Christians to be messengers. God promises the Holy Spirit to His followers. When we are authorized by God, we will be led and guided. Remember who you are in Christ and know He is with you each step of the way. 

Reading: Numbers 22:21-23:26

As followers and messengers of Christ, we need to pay attention to His guidance, as the Holy Spirit does for Balaam here. It took three attempts for Balaam to finally realize he wasn't to go where he was going. And beyond that, it took a talking donkey! Balaam tries to make it right by only speaking what The Lord tells him to speak. Instead of cursing Israel, he blesses them, doing only as The Lord tells him to as he speaks. There is something to be learned when we don't listen to God's instruction and try to do our own thing. Though He may not put an angel in our path and make a donkey talk to us, He will get His message out. The question is will you follow Him, or do your own thing? Messengers of Christ should strive to follow Him and His instructions, or they might find themselves down a disastrous path.

Being a messenger for Christ takes discipline and steady following of Him. You need to carry traits and tools that a messenger of Christ would carry, such as forgiveness, love, obedience and others we reviewed today. Will you choose to follow and serve Him, or do your own thing and serve yourself?

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