Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 116: Foundation of Faith

Reading: Proverbs 10:21-30

In Proverbs, we've seen comparisons of people who live right and who live wrong. Here we see the fools vs. the wise, and the righteous vs. the wicked. As we read through the 9 verses of this reading alone, we can see the benefits and warnings of living in either camp. There are promises for the both too. God promises that the words of the wise will encourage others, but fools will be destroyed by their lack of common sense. How sadly true this is when we see certain situations today.
We also read that doing wrong is only fun for a fool, but living wisely is fun for the smart. How do you measure up to this statement?
Another very truthful verse in this reading is looking at the foundations of the fool and the wise. Only a righteous person will have a firm foundation in the Lord when the storms of life try to overtake them, but the wicked will be easily swept away.
Heed these many truths and analyze which side of the proverb you land on. Then play it out in your own life. Do you find yourself a food and doing wrong things all the time, or a wise person who does what is right?

Reading: Luke 23:26-56

We see the ultimate righteousness play out in the reading of Jesus' death and sacrifice. No matter how scorned and mocked Jesus was, He had to continue on with this burden in order to save us. Though the soldiers mocked Him and told them to save Himself, He couldn't listen to them, because He was in fact dying for them and us, and all of humanity. We see the dialogue play out between Jesus and the thieves on the crosses on either side of Him. One thief mocked Him, as the soldiers were, but the other realized this righteousness that was playing out and showed his faith in Jesus. Because of that, Jesus told him that he would be in paradise with Him that evening.
We also see an act of faith with the women follow Jesus after He is taken from the cross after His death and go to prepare spices and ointments to anoint His body with. I couldn't imagine the thoughts that were cast towards them in that setting. I'm sure it was like when Peter felt he had to deny Jesus because of all the judgment going on around him, but these ladies stuck close to Jesus.
The question is where will you be when the judgement takes place because of Jesus? Will you be mocking Him as the soldiers did? Maybe you'll be in awe of His righteousness and come to a huge realization as the thief on the cross did. Or perhaps you're a loyal follower who will stick with Him through the thick and thin as the women did.

Reading: Joshua 9:16-10:43

Joshua saw a lot of huge success in his days because of the solid faith he stood on. His faith came because of his strong relationship and council in the Lord, not because of what he did for the Lord. Joshua probably faced fears many times throughout his journey and in leading the people, but he always was reassured by God and he always reassured his people to "be strong and courageous". This took great faith, and it takes great faith when we face unsure times in our lives. Because of the trust and reliance Joshua had in the Lord, his faith was great. God used him for many great things, like taking over kingdoms and towns, not so he could get faith, but because of his great faith. Faith is not generated by the things we do, but because of it, we can do great things. Standing solid in Christ can give you great faith and remembering that He is with you creates even greater faith, but never work to gain faith through your actions.

Where do you stand? Is the ground you stand on full of wisdom and righteousness, or foolishness and wickedness? Do you rely on Christ and have great faith in Him, or do you go it alone? Will your foundation crumble when you face the storms of life, or do you have a solid ground in Christ to keep your head up? Are you a faithful follower, or a crowd-pleasing mocker? A solid ground is important in life. Consider what makes up your foundation, and if it will crumble when a few raindrops hit it.

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