Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 79: Goodness of Fruit

Reading: Psalm 34:19-28

There are two different definitions of "good" when we read this section. There are two different definitions of "good" in our world still today. There is the world's definition of food, and then there is the goodness that comes from God and as one of the fruits of the spirit. We see the frustrations David shares about those who are up to no good. Much like David, we may face a crowd of people who gossip, or lie, or attack you- a crowd that is full of no good, who may think they're doing good. Many bullies fall into this category, and they will even take it to the next level of their definition of good:
The crowd who have their own definition of "having a good time". They may think that a good time is partying, doing drugs, hurting others, hurting themselves.
God, however, has a more powerful definition of "good". David speaks about God's good work in us, and through the hard situations in life. He works good through seemingly awful situations. David also strives to share God's goodness. Telling the world of this amazing good that exists in Christ. A goodness that the world cannot reproduce without God. May we decide what kind of goodness we want to hang out with.

Reading: Luke 3:1-22

Sometimes we need to hear negative to get to the positive. That is what it feels like as John the Baptist prepares the way of Jesus' coming. When we strive to better ourselves, we must prune what is unfruitful. John tells the crowds to be generous in sharing what we have to others who lack. He tells them to be honest, and he tells them to be content with what they have. These same concepts apply for us as we prepare ourselves for God's work. The goodness of God comes from the Holy Spirit, as we see Him work through Jesus in His baptism. The Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus and tells Him that He "is His Son, whom He loves and is well pleased." When we join the family of God, those words apply to us. We are children of God, and we are deeply loved by Him. He takes joy in us. When we cleanse ourselves of any dishonesty, selfishness, and discontentment, we can feel the goodness of God in all circumstances, and then we can be fruitful for His work.

Reading: Numbers 9:15-11:3

We have read much of Moses' story, and we have seen the goodness God has poured out on the people Moses led. We even see it here, as God provided a cloud to guide His people in a very clear way. Though the Israelites had all these blessings and provision from God, the continued to complain. I can't help but think of those times I've been blessed in great ways one day, but then the next, complain as if I had forgotten about God's provision in my life. God takes complaining very seriously, as we can see in the way He reacts to complaining in this reading. When we fail to see and proclaim God's goodness in our lives, we fail to have that goodness in our lives. We fail to be fruitful and testimonial for God. Why would he keep an unfruitful part of His kingdom? Like we need to cut off our unfruitful parts, God will cut off His. Don't be that part.

We are surrounded with all sorts of goodness. Whether it is God's goodness, or the world's definition of goodness, we hear about it all the time. The media tries to tell us what is good for us. But God has a different, more satisfying goodness in mind for us. When we follow His goodness, we can be fruitful assets in His kingdom. But when we follow the deception of the world's goodness, we aren't so fruitful.

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