Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 111: Possession Perception

Reading: Psalm 49:1-20

When we read this Psalm, it is blatant that riches and wealth are meaningless after leaving this earth and being finished with this life. Though they may gain recognition and applause from others in this life, that recognition is also meaningless. When we they and live life without God, we turn to wealth, success, riches, recognition, and reliance on ourselves. These things, however, can make live very heavy, as pressure keeps building to be the best, to get more, to have more than the next guy. Ten when life is all said and done, you are left with nothing. These things can't go to the grave with you. Putting confidence in these things is misleading.
When we put all our confidence and reliance on God, though, it's a whole different ball game. Suddenly life is lighter, and you don't need to keep up with anything. God works in and through you, and you have no pressures to succeed when you lean on Him. Making God your wealth and priority is a wise move indeed. After this life is said and done, there is an eternity of wealth with Him. 
Just today I read a status update on Facebook from one of my favorite artists, Lecrae: "There is no reward at the end of life for wealth, fame, accomplishment, or beauty. There is reward for faithfulness. Hang on." 
Don't fall into the traps of this life to get rewarded temporarily now, when there is an eternity of rewards waiting when we stand firm and faithful to God. Hang tight to His promises. 

Reading: Luke 20:27-21:4

As people living on this earth, surrounded by earthly things and customs, it can truly be hard to grasp what life in heaven will be like. When the religious leaders once again challenge Jesus in asking how a woman with seven husbands will be married in heaven, Jesus explains that those worldly customs and needs will be diminished. This concept can surely be hard to grasp and the point the religious leaders were trying to catch Jesus on was about resurrection and whether it existed, as they only focused on the legalistic side of the scriptures. Jesus cleverly talks about Moses and how he believed in resurrection, as he would call on the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 
Another example of clinging to worldly riches is when the widow puts all she has into the offering, as others only put in a small portion of what they have. When we cling to things of earth, we have a harder time letting go with the more we have. Our attitudes about possessions are very hard to change when life is all about acquiring stuff and keeping up with the latest. It's hard to have a mindset on heaven when we have to have more. When we have less, we have less to lose. This widow had nothing, so giving when she got a little was what she knew to do. 
Don't cling to your stuff. As we read before, it is meaningless.

Reading: Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12

As Moses prepares for his death in the final chapters of Deuteronomy, he blesses each tribe with comforting and encouraging words. We can follow Moses' example when it comes to pouring out your life for what God's plan is. Moses lived each day doing right by God. He started by sticking up to Pharaoh in Egypt, demanding the people be let free, then right on through crossing the Red Sea and seeing God's faithfulness as they wandered in the wilderness. Moses stayed loyal to God's commands and His directions, though the people he led at times drove him crazy and always complained. But because of the leadership and selflessness Moses displayed throughout his life, his legacy was huge. Moses never cared about riches or wealth, but about doing what God asked of him. Though he faced his own fears and falls, he still led the people to the Promised Land, relying on God the whole time.
How do you sacrifice your own path for what God calls you to do? Moses could have easily given up at anytime when he led the people to go do what he wanted, but stayed the course God laid out for him. Don't put your trust in worldly things, but in the directions God sends you. You can see the legacy it will leave in this world, but more importantly, the legacy it creates in the life to come. 

The way you look at wealth will determine the way you go all out for God. In plain text, Jesus tells us in the gospels that if we cling to our lives (our possessions, wealth, dreams, jobs, etc), we will lose them, but if we lose those things for Him, we will find ultimate life in Him. When we cling to our stuff, it's harder to live with less or with nothing, and give it to those in need. But when we have nothing, it's easier to give. Careful how you value your wealth and blessings.

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