Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 56: Don't Waste Your Life

Reading: Proverbs 6:1-11

Two things we are warned not to waste in this Proverb are time and money. Making the most of our finances and our time can keep us up in life, and help us to make the most of life. Wasting our money on things that we don't need or owing money can suck life out from under you and your family. We are told to do everything we can NOW to settle financial problems and to get on track with our money.
Time works the same way. There is a reason why God took the seventh day off after creating the world, but there is also a reason He provides the example of working the other six. A well-deserved break is always good, but not if we're taking our breaks frequently and accomplishing little to nothing. To get the most out of life, we need to work hard and do our best to avoid laziness.
Honoring God with our time and money is important and a key in making the most of our lives.

Are there places in your budget that need to be fixed? What can you do to solve those issues?

What do you do in your spare time? Does it honor God?

Reading: Mark 8:14-9:1

Walking in a life with Christ requires a daily denial of yourself and acceptance of Him. Jesus uses yeast in bread to symbolize how something little can taint your whole life. We need to be careful of those things that we turn to instead of Jesus, which can cause us to lose life. Taking up our cross daily means to give up everything you have dreamed about, planned, and cling to in order to follow Jesus and do what He wants of you. Wasting our lives on worldly things will  only leave us desperate and disappointed in the end. Why gain whatever you want in this world, but lose your soul? Jesus tells us to choose carefully the path we will follow when it comes to deciding the lives we want. When we choose the life that follows Him and His plans, we'll gain a satisfaction much greater than what anything in this world can ever offer us.

What do you need to give up in this life for Jesus?

What do you do on a daily basis that requires denying yourself and following God's plan instead?

Reading: Exodus 37:1-38:31

We see excellent example of honoring God fully through our work. Bezalel was a very skilled craftsman who poured his skill into making the elements of the Tabernacle. We can learn from this example to pour ourselves into our work, honoring God as well. Wasting our lives away, only working half-heartedly in a job that doesn't fill the calling God has given us. We should take our gifts, skills and talents and use them to honor God, building up His Kingdom and Church.
Don't waste your life by wasting those things He's given you.

What gifts, skills, talents do you have? How do you use them for God?

Are you working somewhere you don't feel called? How can you make a wise decision for Christ in this way?

We need to be careful not to waste our lives by blowing our time and money. We are called to follow Christ daily and make a decision to deny ourselves and follow Him over and over with each new day. Honoring Christ is all we do, including in our work with our gifts and talents will fulfill us and we'll be doing what is in His plan for us. Don't waste your life and use it on yourself, when you can give it all to God and find wonderful satisfaction through Him alone. 

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