Day 116
Psalms 49-51
We can forget many things throughout a day. Our keys, appointments, names, tasks... Yet one thing we tend to forget that has greater ramifications in our life is God. It is so easy to get caught up in day to day living, that we forget to acknowledge and honor Him. Today, as we pick up Psalms again, we'll discover some things that we tend to forget when it comes to God.
We forget that every possession in this world won't matter and ultimately, we need God in our lives. Money buys a lot of things in this world, but it does not buy the redemption that only Christ gives us. Wisdom dies, wealth is left behind, and lives without Christ ultimately die and only rot in the grave. Those who have put their trust in the Lord will be snatched from death and will experience the ultimate wealth of His Kingdom. We are to boast in God alone, as boasting in wealth and success only lasts a short time. What are things you boast about on this earth that will not matter in eternity? How can you boast in God?
We forget that He is in control and that everything is His. We read that He owns all the cattle, the animals in the wild, and all that is given to us on this earth. He would not even tell us if He is hungry because He owns it all. He does not even need us, yet He chooses to use us in His plan. He cares that much for you that He wants you. What is something in your life that you feel you have no control over? Remember that He is in control of it all. This entire universe (and beyond) belongs to Him.
We forget to praise Him for our blessings and when life is going well. Life gets to be stress free during certain seasons, and it can become really easy to forget God in those times because we simply feel like we don't need Him to solve a crisis. The reality is that we need to praise Him for those blessings He has given to us and for those seasons we have to catch our breath and not worry as much about the stresses of life. He wants us to acknowledge Him in all times, and give Him glory in all times. Thank Him. Praise Him.
We forget that we need to be cleansed when we sin. I truly believe that so many things are done flippantly in our culture, and so many sins have become the "norm". Because of this looseness of our words, our actions, our hearts - we pass it off and continually offend because we are "entitled". God expects more from His people, however. He expects us to honor Him with our words, our actions and our hearts. When we wrong Him in those things, we are to approach Him, asking for forgiveness, and then striving to do better so we may glorify His name. We read about David's struggle with sin in chapter 51, and the sorrow he pours out to God, asking for cleansing and being made right in Him. What are somethings in your life that you do or say that you need to keep in check?
We forget that we have victory in Christ, and to praise Him for it. On the flip side, we can forget to move on from our sin and spend too much time wallowing in it. David states in his cry out to God, "Oh, give me back my joy again, you have broken me - now let me rejoice." We can find joy in the victory of God's forgiveness and unconditional love. David not only was selfish and stole someone else's wife, but he caused murder in the midst of it. Yet God brought him through it and used him still in His plan. We can experience victory when we say yes to Christ and allow Him to rule in our lives. He brings us joy and can right our hearts. Don't feel like you have no chance of being redeemed because He has redeemed you. Rejoice in Him and boast in His love and grace.
In the midst of living this life, don't forget the bottom line. Don't forget what you'll end up with in the end. Don't forget that He is in control. Don't forget to praise Him when life is going well. Don't forget that you need to be cleansed in Him no matter what this culture calls the "norm". Most importantly, don't forget the victory you have or could have in Christ as you pursue Him in this life, and celebrate the life to come that He has enabled us to have if we accept it. Don't forget about God in your life, no matter what season you are in.
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