Day 128
Judges 13-15; 1 Corinthians 12
There is no such thing as "ordinary" when you are working as a child of God. He calls each of us here on this earth for a reason and He uses us and the gifts He gives us to help carry out something intricate and incredible for Him. Today, we'll read the front end of Samson's story, as well as look at how we are to be used as a part of a greater picture.
The way that Samson came about is very similar to the way Isaac, John the Baptist and Jesus came about. Parents who couldn't have children. An angel appearing. Restrictions or requirements that set them apart. Samson was to be someone great to the history of the Israelites and he was a very unique and gifted individual.
Like any other person, however, Samson had his downfalls. He was a wild at heart sort of man who sought revenge in harsh ways, and was overcome by the spirit of the Lord on many occasions. And like any other person, he got tired, worn out, and depressed after coming off a high. Despite his downfalls and revenge tactics, God used him to rule over Israel for years. This proves that God gives us all different strengths and skills. He gifts us with passions and things that "make us tick". Samson was a unique piece of the puzzle that God used to carry out the rest of history for the Israelites. As a child of God, you are also a piece of the puzzle. Though what you do today may not come to fruition or make sense until after you are gone, it meant something if God commanded it. Don't make sense of the things God calls you to do, but do them, trusting that God will use it in the puzzle He is creating.
You are probably fairly familiar with the passage out of 1 Corinthians today. Just like Samson, you are blessed with a certain strength. God wants to use your passions, skills, gifts, and even your weaknesses to carry out His plan. We are all a part of one body of Christ, working together to carry out the mission set for us. How are you doing with your part of the team? How do you feel when someone else gets the praise for the work you helped with? Are you able to be a team player without letting your selfish ambitions get in the way?
Even though you may be good at some things, you are not good at others. You need others on the team to make it a well-rounded team. This way, you are able to face different situations more often. A team of 1 is not a team. But a team that works together as one is a great team. Work to see the gifts that others possess and bring them in on your team. Consider your weaknesses and who you can rely on to help you when you need a skill you don't have. Don't allow selfishness and pride to tear your team apart. You are working for the King and He deserves the best team working with Him.
We all have a unique skill set. God will use your strengths, gifts, skills, passions, and even your weaknesses on His team. Be sure to keep your heart in check as you work with others, so you don't fall into the temptation of selfishness or pride. Rather than always seeking the applause, allow others to have the credit. Most importantly, point that credit right back up to God, as it was Him Who gave you these gifts in the first place.
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