Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21: Your Heart's Focus

Reading: Psalms 12:1-8

In a world full of liars who will say anything to look good, we can't help but find frustration in the world that is also short on Godly people. We live in a society that thrives on lies and doing what it takes to get ahead, even if it means deceiving people to get there. We have to cry out to God. He is always true, always good, always there. Politicians will lie and flatter. Men will lie and flatter. Women will lie and flatter. There are so many lies one will tell to get what they want. Have you searched your heart to make sure you aren't falling into the same trap? Don't lie to get ahead,mor to get your way. God knows your heart. You may proclaim Him with your lips, but your heart doesn't care about anything but looking good. Though you put on your church clothes and your church attitude on Sundays, what does your life look like Monday- Saturday?

Reading: Matthew 14:22-15:9

Jesus knows our hearts when we are in need of rescue. He responds when we cry out to Him. We may be walking along all fine, but in any instant when the winds pick up and the storms come, we lose focus on Christ, and begin to sink. When Peter cries out Jesus to rescue him, this cry comes from the sincerity of his heart. Many times when we're in trouble, we may turn to many other things, besides Christ. We may turn to drugs, sex, alcohol, acceptance from any other crowd, but it isn't until we cry out to Jesus will we find our true and most glorious rescuer.
We also read in this section how traditions and rules can be a heart issue. We are a people of routine, comforts, traditions. But these are the things that Jesus teaches against. These are the things that stunt growth. We cling to those things so much, that we miss the true meaning of our faith, of church, and of Christianity. Think about this in the perspective of the church. We cling to our buildings, things, traditions and routines. What happens to the mission? What happens when people who are unfamiliar with church walk in for the first time and see people more worried about structure, policy and the things around them more than the fact they are there? Or maybe they feel welcomed at first, but after awhile, the true colors come out. The rituals become more important than the mission. Where does your heart lie? In programs, in newsletters, in the things of the church? Or in the bottom line of the Great Commission? Jesus makes it pretty clear here.

Reading: Genesis 41:41-42:38

Joseph's life has been one full of rejection, pain, unfairness, loneliness, and of great blessing. The whole time Joseph endured these hardships, he held a heart for God and never blamed Him. God saw Joseph's heart, and knew his maturity as he grew through it all. Because of faithfulness Joseph held as he went through those trials, God saw his heart and placed Joseph in a position of great leadership, because His name would be praised and glorified, as Joseph had already done throughout his life through thick and thin.
On the flip side, we see how guilty Joseph's brothers still feel for getting rid of him and deceiving their father. Their hearts are burdened and they see the hardships they must endure. They tell Joseph themselves that they are "honest men" when long ago they lied and tricked their brother and father. How ironic that Joseph got to see the lie for himself.

What is your heart like? Do you fall for the lies of the media? Do you fall for the lies of someone who just wants their way? Do you tell lies to get your way? Don't cling to the rituals and traditions of your religion, when you can have the incredible work and relationship of a true and sovereign God. He'll work in and through you, if you keep your heart focused on Him, no matter how low life may get at times. He'll use those trials to build you up and see your heart.

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