Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 3: Walk His Way

Reading: Psalm 3:1-8

What an empowering passage! When you feel as if you can't do something mighty in Christ's name, just pull out Psalm 3. We walk with a God Who can cause great destruction in order to protect us, yet is small and intimate enough to meet even our smallest worries. We should never fear reaching out in His name, because He has our backs. He is the only one Who can grant you full peace of mind from the battles and worries in our world.

Reading: Matthew 2:19-3:17

Here we see how Jesus was made equal with human kind. Though Jesus didn't need to be baptized and cleansed of sin, He still was baptized by the man who came to prepare the way for His coming - John the Baptist. Jesus came and chose to live among men, just so He could complete the work His Father set out for Him. Baptism holds many symbols to it. There is peace of mind when we are cleansed. It is a symbol of becoming a part of a new family under the kingdom of God. When we choose to follow in the footsteps of God's way, we are walking a confidence with Him, that grants us so much more than we can ever realize. Keep on His path.

Reading: Genesis 4:17-6:22

When man walks in the way of The Lord, He finds favor in them. We read here how the human race took a quick decent into sin after God had intended for man to be in His likeness. We read that when we do evil, this breaks God's heart. However, when God was planning on wiping out the human race, He remembers Noah, who walked in the ways of The Lord and stayed away from the evil ways of the world. This not only saved Noah and His family, but allowed Noah to be in tune with the great plans God had for him in building the ark and rebuilding the earth. With faith like Noah's, we too can engage in God's huge plans for us and our world around us. Just keep walking in Him!

A challenge for this year is to walk in the ways of The Lord. This should be our daily goal. We see from the passages above that choosing His path with grant us so much. He will empower us, give us peace, take us as His own, and allow us to in His plan when we have faith in Him. These things are only the tip of the iceberg when we walk in the ways of God.

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