Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 59: Mercy

Reading: Psalm 27:7-14

Mercy in Struggles
David was one who knew about struggles. He cried out to God for help in struggles, and for mercy in those situations. He always trusted that God would come through and have mercy on him when he experienced some of the lowest of lows. And David would always praise God and acknowledge Him for coming through. David knows that God makes a better parent than his own mother and father. In verse 10, he expresses that he trusts God to stick close to him more than he trusts his own parents to. When we hold on to this mentality as we face our valleys, we can trust in the mercy and protection, as God promises to never leave us. Some parents may only give their children love, mercy and protection when they feel their kids deserve it, but God gives it always and unconditionally. Just trust in Him.

Reading: Mark 10:13-31

Mercy for the Children
Jesus held high regard and commanded us to towards the little children. He calls us to be like them in terms of faith, enthusiasm, openness, and forgiveness. In a culture that didn't hold children in high attention, Jesus turned the tables and commanded we give them high priority. When we translate this into the church, we can see that children deserve our time, energy, resources and facility. Not only are they our future, but we can learn so much from them.

Mercy for the Poor
Jesus tells the rich man that in order to follow Him, he needs to sell all of his possessions for the poor. Even though the rich man tells Jesus he knows the law, Jesus still tells him that he can't follow Him until he sells his stuff. Jesus holds caring for the poor very high. When we neglect them, we are told we will be neglected.

Mercy for the Rich
Though Jesus told the man he couldn't follow Him until he sold his stuff for the poor, we read that Jesus still felt compassion and loved him. Jesus shows this man grace by having compassion on him, but truth must follow as he must know that wealth cannot hold your heart, as well as God. Jesus cared about him getting it right.

Mercy for the Persecuted
Jesus cares for those who are mocked and persecuted in His name. Their faith is so great, and they know because of their faith, they will have eternal life. This reward far exceeds what this world and life have to offer.

Reading: Leviticus 4:1-5:13

Mercy for the Guilty
We have seen through Leviticus so far the rituals that the people had to do in order to make themselves right with God. Seemed pretty messy, if you ask me. God showed mercy on us by sending His Son to be our ultimate sacrifice, so we no longer had to endure the ritual of religion, but accept the mercy of relationship. Jesus had mercy and compassion on us. He followed through with His Father's plan, when He could have opted out at anytime. The mercy we don't deserve as guilty people before God is the greatest gift we could ever accept.

Mercy is a character of God. He grants mercy all around, whether we deserve it or not. He commands us to show mercy to those around us, as He has given it to us freely. May we accept His great gift, and share it with those around us.

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