Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 69: His Irresistible Love

Reading: Psalm 31:19-24

This Psalm is a wonderful meditation on how much God loves us. We cry out to Him and He is loyal to those who love Him. We are to be strong and courageous because He loves us, and we put our hope in Him. Our love to God is a response to His love for us. He loves us, so we show our love back by putting our trust in Him and following His Words. We can seek shelter from Him in times of storms and trials. Trust in Him and show your love in response to His.

Reading: Mark 15:1-32

The outpouring and agony of love Jesus puts out for us is immeasurable and I fathomable. As we see His death play out, we notice all the things He is for us. Our Savior, our Messiah, our Lord...when we realize just how much we need His love and sacrifice, we can begin to live our lives in such a way of humility and love that gives back to Him. And though we are in eternal debt to Him, we can begin to have an attitude and a heart that is like Christ. No one deserves the gift He gives to us, but the unconditional love He pours out is both humbling and emotional. We can only live for Him and give back to His mission by sharing that love with others who so desperately need it in our world.

Reading: Leviticus 21:1-22:33

The importance of the holy priests being presentable before God tells us Who God is and why Jesus was sent as a sacrifice for us. Just as Jesus was the most Holy One, so the priests had to be holy as well. Jesus was baptized as a sign to all the being clean and new before God is very important. We don't have to have it all together, but we need to be striving out of love to come to Jesus with a heart of longing to do His will. Jesus was also heavily and obviously dedicated to God. The priests also needed to be dedicated and devoted to God.
This love we bring back to Him is a sign of our acceptance of His love towards us. When we live our lives in such a way that we accept His will, His authority, His love and His grace, we will be able to fully embrace a life that is full out for Him. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for us. He took away all the routine and ritual, but we still need to live holy lives for Him.

God's love spans further than we can imagine for each and every one of us. Our mission in life is to accept that love by giving love back to Him. We love others, share His love and gift with them and strive to love each day for Him. May we feel His love and give unconditional love back.

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