Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 33: His Power and Passion

Reading: Psalm 18:7-15

God is angered by injustice and sin. We see how David admires this "love" that God has for His people. He is angered when they are treated with such injustice. His wrath pours out and His power comes to light. When we have the same feeling towards things like abuse, trafficking, and other injustices, we too possess the passion and love of God for feeling such disgust. It's funny how anger can actually show you what you're most passionate about and what you love most. When you become angry because of the right things, you can have that power and passion to do something about it. David loves the Lord for His reaction to such injustice, and we too can have that passion against the wrong.

What is something that makes you angry?

What do you do about stopping those things from happening in our world?

Reading: Matthew 21:33-22:14

To walk in close community with God, we must first accept His invitation to come. We read the parable Jesus shares, foreshadowing His own death and rejection. The Pharisees plot to have Him arrested later out of site from the crowds, as they know that at that moment there would be uproar.
Jesus also compares the Kingdom to a huge party. Though those who were officially invited didn't show up, those who were just brought in from the streets did. When we have hearts that are wide open and receptive to God and His invitation to follow Him and join Him in His Kingdom, we experience a wonderful life with Him. But when we write off that invitation and focus on what we want to do instead, we miss out on a great opportunity to follow and spend eternity in His awesome presence.
Being passionate about His invitation for us and talking Him up on His invite is how we start that close relationship with Him. When we reject Him and put Him to death in our individual lives, we miss out on knowing Him and His amazing work in our lives.

When did you accept the invite to follow Jesus?

What things in your life show some sort of rejection of God in your life? How can you work on this?

Reading: Job 25:1-29:25

It's hard to believe the passion Job possesses in the midst of such life chaos. He isn't getting much help from his friends when it comes to comfort or encouragement. He knows all about the power of Christ and how it will get him through this time of darkness.
We can sometimes feel trapped in our situations and think that God isn't powerful enough, nor wants to help us, but we couldn't be more wrong. God is all-powerful and loving. His desire is you and He wants to get you through this thing called life, even if it has its bumps along the way. Getting God's wisdom and using it in the midst of trials is the way to build our relationship with Him. We gain new respect for Who God is and what He's about. A life full of wisdom and respect for Him leads us to be the hands and feet for those out there suffering. Even Job, who was suffering himself, showed concern in this reading for the orphans and poor. A life full of God is a life full of serving Him with our lives, no matter how messy it gets.

Have you ever felt like God wasn't powerful or loving enough to get you through life's trials?

How can you gain respect and wisdom in God? How will your life reflect you have these?

Our God is powerful indeed. He longs for us to have accept His invitation to follow Him and dwell in His kingdom forever. When we give our lives over to Him and serve Him through life's many obstacles, we are able to live genuine lives in His light. We gain the passion He has in our hearts and stand up for the injustices of the world that He pours His wrath out on. Remember His power and His passion as you navigate life.  

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