Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 49: Keeping up the Mission

Reading: Psalm 22:22-31

There is much to celebrate in Jesus. He has given us victory over darkness and sin, and we can come to Him freely and openly with our cries. Psalm 22 starts out in such hopelessness and darkness, reflecting forward to the day that Christ was put to death. However, it ends in great victory over the darkness as this Psalm does. We have a great hope in Christ and through Jesus. One day every knee will bow to Him. When darkness comes in your life, hang onto the light that comes in the end. Remember the wonderful plan God carried out after His Son was put to death of us. His plan is always good and always the best.

Are you facing a dark time right now that feels like it is hopeless?

How can you celebrate the victory you have in Jesus today?

Reading: Mark 3:31-4:29

Hearing and embracing God's Word is highly important in carrying out His mission in our lives. Jesus wants us to live in a close relationship with Him, as He states when He calls us all His brothers and sisters. He emphasizes many times throughout this reading to listen closely to His Words, and the emphasis is still there today. When we allow God's Word to embed into our lives, we will be able to bring it to many others and cause a great harvest for Him. Yet others will hear the Word, and just let it bounce off of them, as their roots are not deep enough to sustain the relationship with Him.
Making sure we are deep in God's Word throughout our lives will help us to gain the wisdom and knowledge He intends for us, as well as to be empowered to take it to others. It is important to find the time to get into His Word and listen for His instruction through prayer on a daily basis so that we can continue to carry out the work He has for us.

What does it mean to be a brother or sister in Christ to you?

How can you continue to grow your life closer to Him and His Word?

Reading: Exodus 23:1-24:18

Just like God wanted a close covenant with the Israelites, He wants to be in close covenant with us with the New Covenant. We remember this New Covenant with Christ when we partake in communion and remember what He did for us on the cross to close the gap between us and Him. Christ sends us out to be the message to the world for Him, and He says He will be with us as we do this. The same went for Moses and his people with their covenant. God kept an angel to keep watch on them, guiding them along their way. Christ promises to be with us and never to leave us or forsake us when we are carrying out His will in our lives. Sticking to His path and remember His great sacrifice for us will get us far in the mission. Don't fear what's around the corner, for God is with us.

When do you feel closest to God?

How can you serve Him and carry out the mission He lays before you?

We are called to be messengers for Christ, carrying out His mission around the world. Even when it seems dark and uninviting, as it was for Christ going to the cross, we need to remember the great light and plan that came about because of Christ's suffering for us. When we stay in His Word and embed it in our lives, we can be better prepared for what's ahead and carrying His Word to all. We have nothing to fear as we go out because He will be with us every step of the way.

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