Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 55: Little to Great

Reading: Psalm 25:16-22

There is no doubt that we'll face troubles in life. Sometimes we'll face trouble after trouble. Though sometimes we can feel forgotten or left out when we sink in these troubles, God can work through them in great ways. We see the work He does through David and others in the Bible, and they sure made an impact in the world with their words to us. When the big problems come your way, remember that God is big enough to handle them. They are like little problems to Him, yet He cares for you in big ways. Let Him take the reigns for you when you feel overwhelmed and broken down.

When have you allowed God to take control when facing a big issue in life?

How do you know that God cares for you in big ways?

Reading: Mark 7:31-8:13

We can sometimes feel like we don't have much to offer God and furthering His Kingdom, but the truth of the matter is He can do so much with our little. We read how once again, Jesus performs a miracle in multiplying very little food for thousands of people. He lets the disciples do some work in it in collecting and distributing, as this shows that God wants us to work with what little we have to show those around us His power and capabilities. Even though Jesus fed this tremendous amount of people, He still went off to be with His disciples and pour into them as a smaller group. This is important in raising up leaders to go and do what Jesus did.
Jesus also cared for people individually, as He took the time to heal a deaf man one on one. He cares deeply for us individually, and wants to do great things in our lives. Let Him take the little you have to offer Him and turn it into something great!

What talents, skills, gifts, etc. do you have to offer God?

Have you ever seen God do great things with very little? When?

Reading: Exodus 35:1-36:38

We see a practice play out here that still is used today in the fact that the people all contributed what little they had to help build up the Tabernacle, where today, people willingly give to help build up the church and keep the mission going. Everyone brought what they were willing to give to complete the Tabernacle. They also used their skills and prayed over it. We can do the same today in building up the Church. Giving what we are willing to give to help keep the mission going is key in expanding the Kingdom. God wants us to give willingly, not because we feel guilty or because we feel forced. Giving from the heart is the best form of giving. Bring your material resources, skills and prayers to keep the Church growing. When we all contribute, we can work side by side for the best purpose of all.

Do you contribute to God's Kingdom expansion in any way? How?

How can you give to His Church and mission on a regular basis? What has He given you that you can give back?

Even though you may feel insignificant and small in this world, God can turn what little you have into powerful and huge things to further His Kingdom. When you come to Him with your skills, materials, prayers, problems, etc. He can work great things through them. Allowing Him to do so will help Him to shine through your life and you can be His witness to those around you.

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