Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 58: Set Apart

Reading: Psalm 27:1-6

Life sure can come with an overwhelming tone at times. No matter where we go, there can always be something to pull us down or make us feel as if we're sinking, but when we run to God, we can find peace can worship the only thing that matters in this life. No matter how hard we plan our lives and what we do to stick to those plans, we will be disappointed. Working around God's plans are the only way to experience a peace and joy that last forever. David was surrounded by hardship, constantly. Yet he expresses such a style of worship here that would say otherwise. David puts his plans around God's plans, not his own. We can take heart in the fact that God has it all under control, and when we accept that, we'll see a peace that overcomes all understanding. Fight the urge to take control in a world where you are encouraged to. Let go, and let God.

What about your life is chaotic right now?

When have you experienced peace by working around God's plans instead of your own?

Reading: Mark 9:33-10:12

There are many things that Jesus encourages us to do that don't quite match the world's way of doing things. We see division among people early on, as the disciples argue about who is greater. Jesus shuts this down, however in saying that in His world, the last are first and the first are last. We are to show great love to those who can't do things for us, including the children, poor, needed, sick, etc. So many times we focus on the "what's in it for me" before even considering welcoming those who are weaker into our churches and homes and lives. We need to take a stance of humility and do what Jesus did for these kinds of people. Invite them into our churches, accepting them as equals to us. We need to give to them without expecting anything in return.
We also read about how Jesus wants us to handle temptations and sin. He takes a very blunt stance on what to do if we are tempted, though we aren't meant to actually cut our hand or foot off. He tells us to rid of those things that cause temptation in our lives, whether that be the people we hang out with, or the things we let into our minds. Just get rid of them.
When it comes to divorce, Jesus has some clear opinions on that, that are controversial today.
We can choose to live in Jesus' world or this world. We are in this world, but don't have to be of it.

What are some things acceptable in society that go completely against what Jesus stands for?

How do you personally feel about these things?

Reading: Leviticus 1:1-3:17

Though sacrifices aren't needed anymore, as Jesus came to take away the need for those, we can see just how important they were to making yourself holy before God. God's people are to be set apart and not like the people who care only of things of this world. Sacrifices were necessary for forgiveness and cleansing to happen. We can see the power it took for Jesus to take that all away on our behalf and offer Himself up as the perfect, ultimate sacrifice for all sin for all time.
We still need to be set apart from this world today, however, following Christ and His plan for us. Don't let the world and religion weigh you down with all the rules, when all it takes is an acceptance of Christ's sacrifice for you. Bring your sin and troubles to God and He will make you clean.

What things in your life do you need to bring to God?

How can the world and religion weigh you down with all of its rules?

We are called to be a holy people before God. As followers, we should build our plans around His, rather than trying to fit Him into our lives. When we take the focus off ourselves and put it on Christ, we'll experience an overwhelming sense of peace. It's your choice to follow either the world's way of doing things, or God's. Your life will reflect the path you take.

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