Monday, January 23, 2017

Day 75: Our Reputation

Day 75:
Leviticus 19-20; Matthew 26:36-75

Being a Christ-follower can be a tough label in this world. There is judgement from people all around you at times, and that can be a hard label to bear when you're trying to do right by God. We see that there is hope, however, if we ever fall and deny we are associated. There is a distinct contrast as we continue reading later on about Judas' path after denying and betraying Christ, and that of Peter's denial. 

When we place God at a distance, it seems to be our pride and protection of our reputations that come into play. There are many things in today's world that cause us to want to have a good reputation to those around us. What is socially acceptable, however, isn't acceptable to God. We are in a time that twists what God's words are and make His words fit into what our world accepts. On the same token, we have a jealous God. When we put our agendas and that of the world's ahead of His Words, we will be punished.

This is a touchy topic in this world right now. I've seen Christians battling each other about where the socially acceptable stands on Holy Grounds. We are called to love, but not accept. Judas upheld his reputation by betraying Christ. Peter tried to uphold his reputation by denying Christ. As followers in today's world, our actions aren't far off from what they did. We try to "fit into" this world by being ok with what is happening around us.

Leviticus lays out a bunch of rules for the people. While rules are a bore to us, as parents, we create rules because we love our children and want them to do well in this world and by us. God laid out these rules so we can be a set apart nation for Him. While the New Testament Jesus frees us of the heavy rules, we still show our love and allegiance FIRST to Him by obeying Him. Our love for others comes second, and will fall into place in our love for Him.

We see the reputations of two that were close to Jesus play out here. One betrayed Him. One denied Him. Both of these men will face consequences, but both take a different path when seeing redemption, as we'll read later. In this world, we try to grasp our reputations in this world, rather than in God's eyes. We twist the things He says in His Word to "make it fit" into what the world finds acceptable. What reputation do you hold, and what does it say about your allegiance to Christ first and foremost?

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