Reading: Psalm 38:1-12
Maybe you have felt like David at some point in your life. I'm sure we've all experienced a low that we felt like we'd never get out of, whether it was in health, relationships, sin, etc. maybe you've had to feel consequences of a sin you fell into. Though you may not have gotten ill like David, you may have damaged a relationship, ruined an opportunity or hurt yourself in the process. We see how David suffers in guilt and sickness, feeling the wrath of God. Many times our sin causes us to deal with the aftermath of it. God may not just reach down and curse you for swearing or lying, but we form our own consequences to doing these things. Even if we get away with it now and then, we can't say we have a clean conscious. Cry out to God in these times of suffering in sin and traps that come up in life. He's listening, and He is always ready to welcome you back with open arms.
Reading: Luke 7:11-35
We will face tests in life. Not only ones like David had to face, but ones like Jesus had to face in this reading. Jesus saw a need as a mourning widow stood beside the coffin of her last son. Jesus felt strong compassion on the woman and He raised her son from the dead. When you see a need, what do you do? Certainly you can't raise someone from the dead, but what do you do when you see someone poor and in need on the street? Or someone needing help carrying something? Are you a spectator or someone that takes action and problem solves? Jesus tells us to take action and be available for those in need.
Another aspect to this reading is criticism. Jesus is criticized for who He eats with. This could be similar to a school bullying scenario. We see how Jesus handles it, though. He doesn't care what people think. What does this tell us about how we reach out? Especially in school towards kids who may not be accepted by others? This is certainly a test, and takes faith. Outreach isn't just intended for people we are comfortable with serving, but one of the main points is to get out of your comfort zone and help. Not only will it be a blessing to the ones you serve, but it will be a huge blessing to you.
Reading: Numbers 23:27-26:11
We see another kind of test in this reading in that of temptation. Balaam, who is quite a wild card when it comes to following the ways of The Lord, refuses to curse Israel, and doesn't give into the temptation of the reward Balak offers him for cursing them. He does what The Lord tells him.
But then we see how the men of Israel give into the ways of the Moabites, having sex with their women and worshiping their gods. This, obviously, makes God livid, and many are killed as a result of the wrath He poured out on the people.
We have read again and again just how dangerous temptation is. Though in today's world, we may not get struck by lightning when we anger God, we still have to live with the consequences of our actions, as we talked about in the Psalm passage today.
In life, we face all sorts of tests. We face the tests of sin and temptation. We face the test of faith and taking action. We face the test of criticism when trying to do right. How will you deal with the tests that come your way?
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