Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 88: Practices of a Follower

Reading: Proverbs 8:12-21

Follow with Wisdom
Everyday we make a choice to follow God or not in different ways. Wisdom is one of those ways. There are many traits to wisdom that make it so valuable. Wisdom helps you to be a good leader, as you make good decisions and do what is best for the people you lead. Wisdom is pure. It hates perverseness, arrogance and evil behavior. When your life is full of these things, you don't have wisdom. Wisdom comes from God. Respecting God is a way to get wisdom. And wisdom is there for all who seek it. Search hard for wisdom, as it is valuable to you and your life. 

Reading: Luke 7:36-50

Follow with Love
We see an incredible outpouring of love in this reading. When a woman, considered immoral and shameful by society because of her past, comes and pours expensive perfume over Jesus' feet, we can see the outpouring of love she has for Jesus. Though her past is dark, she knows she needs the forgiveness of God. The irony of it is that she is criticized for her actions by a Pharisee, a religious man. There are so many examples of how our knowledge of religion means nothing compared to the actions of our faith. We are all sinners in need of a Savior, not saints in need of rituals. When we show a deep, overwhelming love for God, we show the humility of ourselves and show our need for forgiveness. Our outpouring of love to God and others shows our commitment to Him. When we are followers of God, our love will show it. As the song goes, "they'll know we are Christians by our love..." This woman in the reading gets it and shows her love deeply, no matter what the religious men say. Showing your love no matter how much criticism you receive will show the world Who you serve indeed.

Reading: Numbers 26:12-27:11

Follow with Consultation 
The people of Moses' time had their share of arguing and issues to resolve. Luckily for them, they had Moses to seek out the advise of God. He always turned to The Lord when He was in need of sorting through the various situations that came up among the people. We see in this reading yet another example of Moses consulting with God on the rights of the women at the time in carrying on the family property. Moses had a very open mind when dealing with the requests and issues of the people. He sought out council from God, listening only to Him.
As we learn and strive to follow Him, we need to learn this practice from Moses in listening to God's advice instead of worldly advice. When we face troubles and issues, we need to learn to bring them to God and wait for His direction before taking matters into our own hands. 

Following God takes work and commitment. We can follow Him with wisdom, with love and with consulting with Him when issues come our way. Learning to rely on these characteristics of a follower of Christ will help you to grow in Him. Take some lessons from the examples today. 

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