Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 35: Loyal Leadership

Reading: Psalm 18:25-36

Even though David faced endless hardship, we see the leadership skills he possessed through his hardship. He recognized just what a leader needs to stand firm in times of trouble, and displays it for us to see throughout his writings.
David relies a lot on God's protection. We need to if we are able to get through those bullets life throws at us. To be a good leader, you need to have confidence that God will get you through the stressful parts of leadership (and trust me, there will be many). If we go into leading without fear, because God has our backs, we can lead strongly.
David also stays strong through everything he endures. I can be a wreck at times when life gets out of control. Ok- I can be a wreck most of the time, especially while pregnant, but David shows us this great strength he gets from the Lord. He carries it with him through the thick and thin. Let's be filled of with God's strength, instead of our own.
As good, Godly leaders, we also need to be trained in God's truth and Word. When we lead from our own hearts and head we run the risk of misleading. But when we have those hearts and heads filled with God's wisdom and ways, we can lead strongly for Him.
Many times we will need guidance. Who will you turn to for that guidance as a leader?

What area of leadership do you need to work on when it comes to being a Godly one?

Which of the qualities listed above do you see most in your life? God's protection, strength, training or guidance?

Reading: Matthew 23:1-39

We get a good look at the kind of leader Christ would like us to be here. A compassionate one. Not one who lays heavy rules and burdens on people. Jesus spends a great deal of time laying into the Pharisees and religious leaders and their leadership skills. He expresses many qualities a good leader should have, including integrity, compassion, strong vision, focus, generosity, humility, and authenticity.
When we try to lead and tell people what to do, yet fail to follow through on those standards ourselves, we fail to lead well. People need a leader who can be real with them and work alongside them. Not one who stands over them and tells them how it will be done then sit back and watch the work happen.
Good leaders can get caught up in all the rules and details of life. This only creates frustration in not only the leader's life, but the followers as well. Don't be legalistic, just be compassionate and follow the standards in which Jesus lived by.
Though many of these things can seem tedious and impossible to remember as a leader, simply strive to do what Jesus did. He doesn't care about what you know, only that He knows you care. Have the same compassion on your city and on the people of this world as He does for Jerusalem, as we see Him speak over at the end of this reading.

What leadership qualities in Jesus do you admire?

What leadership qualities do you see in people in your life that drive you crazy? How does Jesus' advice match up with that?

Reading: Job 33:1-34:37

We see that Job had to take on the critics of his life, despite how many times he explained to them his life and how he was blameless before God. We can learn somethings from this, however. When we face those times in life where no matter how hard we try to do right as leaders, we will face those critics, even ones that are "friends". The more influence you make as a leader, the more backlash you will get. When Job suffered as he did, and received more backlash than he did comfort, we can see the influence he had on people around him.
When you face critics in life, just cling to God's way of living. If those critics don't match up to what God tells you to do, move on. But also take constructive criticism from the right people, especially other Godly leaders.

What critics do you have in your life? Are they good or bad critics?

What kind of a critic do you tend to be towards others, especially friends?

Being a leader comes with many struggles. When you are truly an influential, Godly leader, you'll get all kinds of backlash and criticism. Just remember to follow Jesus' example of being a leader in being compassionate instead of legalistic. Have your vision, and align it with God's vision. Strive to dwell in His protection and guidance. 

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