Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 50: The Greatness of His Intimacy

Reading: Psalm 23:1-6

I'm sure many of us have heard this passage read at some point or another, most likely at a funeral. But when we really dive into this Psalm, we can see the personal message it sends. When it states the Lord is MY Shepherd, we are meant to take that in a very personal way, and carry that closeness throughout the passage. God knows exactly what you need in this moment and exactly what you are struggling with. He is your Guide, your Comforter, your Protector, your Host. When we face those awful times, whether it be a death of a loved one or the death of a dream, He provides us with comfort and direction. God is a very personal friend to you. He knows you inside and out and longs to take care of you, as a shepherd cares for his sheep. Take joy in this powerful, very personal, relationship with Him. Allow Him to bless you in the way you need each day and celebrate that relationship by radiating to those around you.

When have you experienced God in a very personal, close way?

How can you walk in closeness with Him and carry Him close in your life?

Reading: Mark 4:30-5:20

We see many contrasts of God here, starting out with a small mustard seed. Jesus tells how the Kingdom of Heaven is like that seed, starting out small and then expanding into a huge plant by comparison. We also see how Jesus is powerful enough to calm a raging storm that has the disciples (many who are experienced fishermen) shaking. How many times in our lives do we face huge storms that leave us trembling? Jesus, however, calms this storm with simple, firm words, proving His power and greatness.
We also read of a man who is overtaken by many evil spirits. All are afraid to go near him and chaining him up doesn't even hold him. Jesus, however, approaches this man and casts out the many spirits. Jesus knows this man deeply, and feels compassion on him, as He does for us when we are overtaken by life's demands. This act and miracle causes the man to go and share this great news with everyone in his town, bringing many to Jesus. A small act from a man who probably thought he had nothing great to offer in this world, becomes a powerful testimony, proclaiming God's greatness! Don't hold back the small things in your life, as God can make them great!
We can gather the complexity of Jesus from these readings. He is small enough to know us intimately, yet powerful and big enough to take down the most debilitating storms in our lives. It's incredible to serve and feel the love of such a great, intimate God!

How has God turned a small thing in your life into a huge difference for Him?

What huge storms have you endured in life? How has God used those to proclaim His greatness?

Reading: Exodus 25:1-26:37

Though this section feels like you are just reading a heavy, detailed description of the Tabernacle (and you are), there is so much more behind the meaning of the Tabernacle and what it meant. God had the people work together to make this so that He could have a tangible presence among them. He wanted intimacy and closeness with them. And while God is always close to us, there is something about being in a holy place that solidifies the feeling of being near to Him. We don't need to be in a church or holy place to be near to Him, but to come to Him in reverence and awe can happen in such a place for the Israelites. This is to set Him above them and help them remember His presence and majesty. God is close to us in the same way, no matter where you are. He longs to be the center of your world and to have a majesty in your life. Set aside that holy reverence for Him each day, and come to Him in awe.

What is a tangible presence of God in your life?

How do you come to Him in reverence and awe each day?

God is both big and small. Big in the sense that He knows all and is powerful enough to calm the most debilitating storms in our lives. He is big enough to be revered and worshiped. Yet God is small enough to know you personally from the inside out, even better than the people closest to you. He longs to have a deep relationship with you and provide for your personal needs. God knows where you need comfort, what you struggle with, what you are needing this very moment. Let Him do great things in your life through the small ways He reaches you.

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