Leviticus 25; Matthew 28
There is much reason to be optimistic about your future if you rely on Christ in your life. We place so much time trying to control our lives and cling to what isn't even ours, yet with Christ, we have all we need. As we read today, we can stand confident that there is so much more life in Him than in anything we can ever possess in this world.
I have to say that I was intrigued by reading of the "year of Jubilee." I had heard about it, but never have really dove into it to learn more. I do remember it from one of my favorite songs back in the day. (Maybe you remember it - "Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?")
Anyways, as I read, I realize that this year of Jubilee was a freedom of all bondage, all debts, all worries essentially. Could you imagine getting a Sabbath Day from your worries and the things that hold your faith captive? I can't tell you how often I worry about life's debts, bills, obligations, etc.
It was also a time of rest for the fields, meaning the people couldn't harvest or plant or work them. God promised them a bigger production in the year before though, that would carry them into the year after Jubilee. This was surely a way to teach the people to have faith in Him and know He is their ultimate provider and care-giver.
This year of Jubilee sets up a lovely picture of how we are to face this life with Christ in it. I think so many times in today's world, we worry more about the money we earn, the things we have, the relationships we're pursuing, everything that can possibly have a worry. (No? Just me?)
But as we read about the overwhelming resurrection of Christ in Matthew, I can't help but feel a powerful peace of mind about what is to come in this time of our lives. There is hope beyond our graves and beyond the troubles of this world! How awesome that we can rely fully on that promise when we say "yes" to Christ!
It is easy to doubt. The disciples doubted when they had heard Jesus rose. The very people that were with Him constantly and learned from Him doubted. There is hope for you. Ironically, women were the first ones to hear the news straight from the angels at the tomb. Women, who were rarely allowed to bare witness or testimony. Why would God choose them to be the first to see, hear and share the Good News? Because no matter what our capabilities are in this world, and no matter how someone views your role and status, you are an important asset to the movement of Christ. The guards were paid off to twist the truth about Jesus rising. We have 3 choices based on this. We can question our abilities and tell God, "nah, I'm not good enough. Pick someone else."
We can allow God to use us despite what this world thinks we are and spread the Good News from person to person, as Jesus did.
Or, we can deny it happened and twist the truth that we refuse to believe, even though it is written in the most truthful book that was ever created. As a Christian, THIS is your book. You claim Christ, you claim His words in every single aspect of your life. You can't be lukewarm. (Revelation 3:16)
We have a mission to fulfill. We have been commanded, not advised, not recommended, but COMMANDED to go make disciples. Jesus promises that He will be with us. If we truly have Christ in our lives, and we have said "yes" to His leading, we can have such a positive outlook beyond this world and beyond the grave. We can doubt our abilities and sit around, we can twist it all around and deny He ever rose and was here for us, or we can stand firm in knowing that He has our backs when we fall into HIS plan, rather than try to take it ourselves. Know that He will provide for you and you needn't cling to anything in this world by Him.
I have to say that I was intrigued by reading of the "year of Jubilee." I had heard about it, but never have really dove into it to learn more. I do remember it from one of my favorite songs back in the day. (Maybe you remember it - "Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?")
Anyways, as I read, I realize that this year of Jubilee was a freedom of all bondage, all debts, all worries essentially. Could you imagine getting a Sabbath Day from your worries and the things that hold your faith captive? I can't tell you how often I worry about life's debts, bills, obligations, etc.
It was also a time of rest for the fields, meaning the people couldn't harvest or plant or work them. God promised them a bigger production in the year before though, that would carry them into the year after Jubilee. This was surely a way to teach the people to have faith in Him and know He is their ultimate provider and care-giver.
This year of Jubilee sets up a lovely picture of how we are to face this life with Christ in it. I think so many times in today's world, we worry more about the money we earn, the things we have, the relationships we're pursuing, everything that can possibly have a worry. (No? Just me?)
But as we read about the overwhelming resurrection of Christ in Matthew, I can't help but feel a powerful peace of mind about what is to come in this time of our lives. There is hope beyond our graves and beyond the troubles of this world! How awesome that we can rely fully on that promise when we say "yes" to Christ!
It is easy to doubt. The disciples doubted when they had heard Jesus rose. The very people that were with Him constantly and learned from Him doubted. There is hope for you. Ironically, women were the first ones to hear the news straight from the angels at the tomb. Women, who were rarely allowed to bare witness or testimony. Why would God choose them to be the first to see, hear and share the Good News? Because no matter what our capabilities are in this world, and no matter how someone views your role and status, you are an important asset to the movement of Christ. The guards were paid off to twist the truth about Jesus rising. We have 3 choices based on this. We can question our abilities and tell God, "nah, I'm not good enough. Pick someone else."
We can allow God to use us despite what this world thinks we are and spread the Good News from person to person, as Jesus did.
Or, we can deny it happened and twist the truth that we refuse to believe, even though it is written in the most truthful book that was ever created. As a Christian, THIS is your book. You claim Christ, you claim His words in every single aspect of your life. You can't be lukewarm. (Revelation 3:16)
We have a mission to fulfill. We have been commanded, not advised, not recommended, but COMMANDED to go make disciples. Jesus promises that He will be with us. If we truly have Christ in our lives, and we have said "yes" to His leading, we can have such a positive outlook beyond this world and beyond the grave. We can doubt our abilities and sit around, we can twist it all around and deny He ever rose and was here for us, or we can stand firm in knowing that He has our backs when we fall into HIS plan, rather than try to take it ourselves. Know that He will provide for you and you needn't cling to anything in this world by Him.
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