Day 84
Numbers 7; 1 Thessalonians 5
We live in a time right now where people are literally shutting each other out. One of the worst things I've experienced from other Christians is a lack of grace, when Christ has shown them the most ultimate form of grace, which we can't live without. It is heartbreaking when we need to act like complete children, throwing tantrums and casting away relationships over things of this earth and desires of OUR hearts. Even children come back when their mom was mean though. I was raised to agree to disagree and not throw away relationships over disagreements. True maturity comes when you can put your differences aside and still work side by side, because you know what? The gospel and spreading the Good News through our love is the way we do it. If we can't even love each other and keep open hands to those who need to know the Truth, we are failing at what we do.
We read about a people thousands of years ago who had differences. They were people. Yet, they knew their bottom line and each group of people shared offerings to God in the dedication of the tabernacle. Why was this important to the people? Because they worshiped and brought thanksgiving to God for being in their midst. They knew they couldn't do it without Him. All the disagreement aside, they agreed on this. There is something even bigger that this pointed to, however. This was preparation of the coming Savior. We no longer need to approach Him through the curtain or the priest, but we can approach Him boldly wherever we are! He allows us into His presence when He is so perfect and we are so rebellious. THAT is grace.
Paul offers us some amazing advice as we wrap up 1 Thessalonians. He tells us to respect others and to encourage each other. Keep in mind that he was talking to a group of believers, who, like us, struggle with disagreements. Paul lists many things that we as believers need to be doing:
Honor our leaders
Encourage one another
Be light in the darkness (don't run from darkness, but be light in it)
Stay self-controlled (especially today when we are tempted to add to the "noise")
Live peacefully with one another.
Warn and urge the lazy
Encourage the timid
Take care of the weak
Be patient with everyone
Always to good to all people
Always be joyful
Never stop praying
Be thankful no matter what
Don't scoff the Holy Spirit
Hold tight to what is good
Stay away from every type of evil
These are words he gave to believers, not unbelievers. These things take grace and patience and a completely different lifestyle than the world we are in. We all need grace, but we need to hold tight to truth. Grace proceeds truth (1 John 1:8-9). We don't have to have our life cleaned up to come to Christ. We let Him change us after we wrap up in His grace.
We all need grace. If we remember this, we can handle our relationships so much more maturely. Don't throw away unity and relationships over things of this world when we have an eternal God. Heed Paul's words and remember that we are one body working together to share the love and good news of Christ. We never have to clean up our lives to come to Christ, but we need to allow Him to change us once we come to Him, including throwing our pride to the side. Show love to all around you and be patient and self-controlled. Your words, your actions, and the way you deal with all people will shed light on who you are. Be careful to be light in the darkness and not fall to the ways this world tries to entangle us.
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