Saturday, February 13, 2016

Day 42 - All-Knowing God

Day 42
Job 38-40, Matthew 4

Arguing with God is so easy to do, especially when life seems unfair. We question God's motive and wonder why He would let bad things happen to us. We see Job struggle with this as well as his friends on his behalf. But when God rebuttals and makes Job realize just how all-knowing He is, Job is left practically speechless and ashamed.

When we question God, it is important to remember that He knows everything. Every details of our lives is planned out and set ahead of us, as well as the big picture of His perfect plan. We can question all we want, but it won't change this fact. Just because God speaks audibly to Job (as it seems), doesn't mean He doesn't speak to us, through His Word, wise counsel around us, through nature, etc. He leaves us reminders all over to help us through and call us back to Him.

As Jesus is tempted in the wilderness by Satan, we see just how well He knows the scriptures to avoid the temptation. There is something major to be pointed out here - Jesus is tired and hungry. Isn't this when we are at our weakest moments in life? We tend to make irrational decisions when we are hurt, hungry, angry, tired, or lonely. (H.A.L.T) Because Jesus quotes scripture, we see that He remembers His Father's words and has them embedded into His life. And while we can expect this from the Son of God, it doesn't mean we shouldn't take note of this and embed the Word into our lives as well, to be reminded in the weak moments of God's all-knowing characteristic.

As the followers come to Jesus as He begins His ministry, we can take example from them in considering what and who we will follow in this life. We can follow the unknown things that know nothing about our lives, or we can follow an all-knowing, all-powerful God, Who cares for us deeper than anyone else ever could.

God knows where our lives are heading. He can pinpoint the days ahead and lay out spectacular plans. He knows all! He knows the intricate details of our lives and the big picture of His perfect plan for all of eternity. Knowing Him and embedding His Word into our lives will help us when things get tough. Follow the One Who cares the most for you, rather than the temporary things in this world and the people that disappoint. He knows your heart and He knows what you need in this very moment.

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