Monday, January 13, 2014
Day 13: Our Closest Enemies
Reading: Psalm 9:1-6
We know full well by now that David had many enemies pursuing him. Unfortunately, God never promised us no enemies. He actually tells us to expect enemies and opposition in His Name. (Matthew 10:36) We see David handle his enemies with stride though. He praises God for pulling him from his enemies and glorifies Him for rescuing him.
There are people in the world even today who have to face opposition in very violent ways because of their faith. They trust that God will pull them through and know they shouldn't fear man or death. Though we may not face such opposition in our lives, we should remember that God will pull us through, and praise Him for it. Even if our enemies are those who are closest to us - a family member, friend, coworker, etc. We will face some sort of opposition for our faith. But hold tight to God, for He will pull you through.
What kind of opposition have you faced because of your faith?
How can you pray for people around the world today who face horrible opposition because of their faith?
Reading: Matthew 10:32-11:15
This reading is full of some pretty radical words when it talks about following Christ. First we are told to love anyone else less than God. The exact translation is to "hate", but when translated, it means to "love less". So when Jesus says "if you do not hate your father or can not be my disciple," He is saying, if you put them ahead of Him. Still, this can be a hard concept to grasp in our worlds. But really, an enemy to your faith in Christ is one that you put priority on over Him. That could be your father, your mother, a sibling, friend, job, habit, etc.
Then Jesus tells us to lose our lives for His sake. Though many people in the world do lose their lives for Him, the translation means to give up ourselves for Him. To live everyday following His will and direction in our lives. When we do this, we will find life.
This leads us right into Jesus telling us to take up our crosses daily for Him. Many have interpreted this verse as carrying Jesus' burden, as He did with the cross, but really, when you are carrying a cross in Jesus' time and culture, you were walking to your death. When Jesus tells us to take up our crosses and follow Him, He is saying to die to ourselves everyday. When you are getting ready to die, you are no longer planning, dreaming, or hoping. When we die to Christ, we give up our plans, dreams and hopes to His plans, dreams and hopes for our lives.
So many things can get between us and Christ. These things become our enemies. Jesus even says that our own families and closest friends can end up being our enemies. The same goes for those things we live for instead of Him.
What is something or someone you put before Christ?
What does "losing your life" for Him look like to you?
Reading: Genesis 27:1-28:22
Sometimes our own worst enemy can be ourselves. We see how Rebekah and Jacob take matters into their own hands and trick Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing meant for the firstborn, Esau. Because of this, the family is divided and left broken.
We may fall into this same trap when we are determined to get what we want and don't trust God enough to provide for us. In fact, we probably do this more than we would like to admit. Many times we may do with when seeking a spouse, or if we want a promotion at work, or to be financially successful. We may take matters into our own hands and lose credibility to those around us, and even God.
But one thing we can see from this is that God still uses us and holds on to His promises, even when we mess up. He still will grant us blessing and provide for us, even if we've messed up in the past. We see Him come to Jacob after he's flees from home, and tells him he will be blessed as He promised Abraham and Isaac.
Even if you've taken matters into your own hands and feel the regret of it, know that God still can use you to move.
What is something you've failed to trust God in for provision?
How has God still blessed you despite that mess up?
There are many things that can stand between us and God. Straight-up opposition and those who are against us can really take a lot out of us, and crush our faith. Even those who are close to us can come between us and God if we place them before God and decide that they are more important than Him, or if they fail to agree with us and our faith. Or, we can put ourselves in the way of growing in God by not trusting in His provision and timing, and taking matters into our own hands. Just remember to seek Him first above all else, and to trust Him to carve out your path.
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