Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 29: Oh How He Loves Us

Reading: Psalm 17:6-12

We can get through anything with the wonder of God's great love. It is incredible how much He loves us and cares for us. David expresses greatly how wonderful and unfailing God's love is. He protects us under His wings, holding us when times are shaky. We can see just how intimate and incredible God's love for us is. Make this Psalm your prayer as you face the hard days in life. Trust in God's unfailing love.

When was a time you felt the intimacy of God's love?

When have you felt God's protection?

Reading: Matthew 20:1-19

When we read the story of the landowner and hired help, we can reflect on that and feel like it's pretty unfair. How many of us want to go to work all day and get paid the exact same amount that the guy who only worked an hour gets paid? Not sure I'd like that too much. But Jesus makes the point here that the love and grace His Father hands out is marvelous for all. No matter what your past looks like, He gives you the same grace as everyone else. The person who grew up in the church receives the same grace as the person who repents in the eleventh hour and had a brutal criminal history. The foot of the cross is even. This is just another huge wonder of God's unfailing and huge love. Don't ever envy what others have, or what you think they received unfairly. No one deserves the grace we are given. You can't earn it. God's grace is free for all who accept it.

When was a time when you envied someone?

When have you received something you didn't feel you deserved? How did you feel?

Reading: Job 11:1-14:22

Even though Job had a blameless life before it fell apart, he still looks to God's great love and grace. His friends make the same mistake over and over, tying Job's suffering to sin, claiming that he lacks wisdom, however Job points out that it is them that lack the wisdom in not keeping silent.
When we go to comfort others who have experienced suffering or hardship, it is important that we remember God's great and unfailing love, instead of focusing on condemning that person. Hardship can happen to anyone, even the most upright of people. When these times come, we need to be like Job, clinging to the hope and love we have in Christ, and remembering His grace in our lives. Encourage others who are struggling with that love. Carry Christ's love to all around you, instead of judging them.

When have you caught yourself judging someone's situation?

Why is remembering God's grace and love important when facing struggles in life?

God's love sure is a wonder. It's unfailing, and His grace is for all who accept it. I just love the words to the song "How He Loves". It is a beautiful expression of just how wondrous and unfailing God's love is for us: He is jealous for me. Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy...And we are His portion and He is our prize, drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes. If His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking.

 Listen to the song here:


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