Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 27: Paths to Follow

Reading: Psalm 17: 1-5

Throughout David's writings, we see a huge desire from him to stay right with God. He desires to follow the path God lays out for him, even if it means it will be hard. When we gain this desire to follow the path as well, there are some things we need to do to stay on that path. We need to assess our thought life and keep it in check. How easy is it to control our word and actions over our thoughts and what is in our heart? Thoughts are a tough thing to keep under control because you're the only one that knows what's going on in your heart and mind. (Except God of course.)
We also need to watch what we say. Those thoughts can eventually, and will probably eventually well up into our mouths. When we just blurt out our thoughts, we tend to get into trouble. Start working on your thought life by controlling what you say. Be sensitive to those around you and control your words.
Finally, we need to control our actions and where we go with ourselves. We can sometimes find ourselves in places we never thought we would - surrounded by bad influences and doing what they do. When we don't watch were we walk, we might be easily swayed by those around us.

Which of the areas above do you need to work on to keep to God's path?

How can you gain a desire to stay on God's path?

Reading: Matthew 19:1-15

We need to keep to God's path when it comes to the relationships in our life. Our culture has placed a very low view on the concept of "marriage" today. Many times, marriage isn't even considered and people just live together so the strings aren't attached. Others marry, not putting any thought into the commitment they make and figure if they don't like this one, they can just get rid of it and get a new one. Kind of like our material possessions (another topic for another day). We also have failed to take God's Word seriously when He talks about the importance of a spouse. When you get married, that person becomes more important than any other earthly relationship. God will always be #1, but your spouse is number 2. Divorce is an easy way out now for both Christian couples and the overall population. Why make it an option? Fix it if it's broken, don't throw it away.
Jesus also places a strong emphasis on children in this reading. In a culture that view children as better seen than heard, the disciples tried to get rid of the children that came to Jesus. But Jesus put the disciples in their place in welcoming and placing high regard on the children. This tells us that we too need to place our kids and youth in high regard. If we don't provide them with the tools they need to grow in faith, who will? Jesus says never to neglect the children in coming to Him. How are we doing this as a family and church?

What is your view on marriage? Are you willing to fight hard for your spouse or future spouse?

What do you do to grow our youth and kids in faith, whether they're yours or in the church?

Reading: Job 4:1-7:21

Do you have good friends on your path with you? As we read about Job and his suffering, we can see his "friends" that come to offer their two-cents. We read that Eliphaz offers his advice, essentially saying that Job did wrong and needs to go to God for his suffering, not knowing anything about Job and his life. Though Job's friends mean well, they don't offer good advice. They speak empty words and just try to sound like they know what they're talking about to Job.
I'm sure we've all been here. Either we've offered empty advice or have been given it.

Who is a good friend in your life that offers you good, Godly advice?

How are you as a friend to others? Do you offer good, biblical advice?

Walking on the path with Christ isn't always easy, in fact it can be more difficult. When we try to stay on His path for our life, we need to be sure to keep ourselves in check, in our thoughts, words and actions. As we look at our lives  compared to the way the rest of society lives, we need to decide the path we'll follow. God's way when it comes to relationships and basic living, or the world's way? Who do you have walking the path with you? Be sure they are good influences on you and the way you live. Take it, or leave it.

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