Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Change Your Heart

The heart is the most essential part of your body. Even if someone is brain dead, they are not confirmed dead until the heart ceases to beat. It keeps the blood flowing through your veins and the oxygen replenishing your body. (I know, you paid attention in basic anatomy class.) Not only is the heart an essential part of making your physical body continue, it is also the greatest metaphor in the Bible for how we give, receive, and live in faith. We are told to guard it, that from it will flow our motives, and that God will give us a new one, or new passion, when we say yes to Him.

My question for you today is, is your heart primed? Are you open and ready to grow this year? This day? I think everyday presents an opportunity for us to grow. We can see it, or not see it, depending on the type of soil we've placed in our hearts to either take it in or let the lesson die. The biggest way to grow this year is to have an open heart. Open hearts allow you to see into other peoples' lives. They allow you to see a light in the midst of a trial. They allow you to see a need and know what to do about it. They allow you to become lesser, so He can become greater in your life. 

Before Paul was Paul, he destroyed the church. He dragged Christians to prison and felt great hate against the church. God grabbed his heart and conformed him. Because Saul, converted to Paul, experienced the amazing power of God, his heart changed, and he became one of the biggest faith heroes. 

Imagine if your heart was wide open to how God moved around you? The potential in Saul that God picked out despite his hatred not only speaks volumes of not only God's power, but His grace. Open your heart. Allow God to change it.

Scripture to read:
Acts 9:1-19, Matthew 13:1-23

Questions to ponder:
What part of your life do you need a heart change on? 
What does it take to experience the power of God? 

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