My husband is obsessed with fruit trees, and he's starting to get our daughter hooked too (at 4). They will look at those catalogs for hours, pointing at the trees they dream of having in our yard. My daughter will draw pictures of 1 tree with 10 different "fruits" on it. She will tailor a tree for mom and a tree for dad, each with the stuff on it we like most. Then she'll draw one for her with things like peaches, chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, apples, cookies, and other things she loves to eat on it.
One indicator Jesus gave us for knowing if someone was real or fake is the fruit they bear. I think any good follower of Christ stops and asks themselves "am I really a follower?" We question our faith because someone throws their own standards out to follow, or someone seems better at life than us, and then we wonder. But Jesus talks a lot about fruit as He walked through His ministry, as it compares with evidences of our faith. Fruit is also a historical part of the entire Bible. The forbidden fruit. Fruitfulness being mentioned throughout the Old Testament in God's people and in cities. The visual is all throughout, and we see it in parables and visuals Jesus displays. Matthew 7: 15-20 tells us that it's the indicator of false prophets. John 15:1-17 tells us to abide in the vine (Jesus) so you can bear good fruit. Jesus even curses the fig tree in Matthew 21:18-22, as it was useless for having any figs for Jesus. Though the tree had leaves, it had absolutely no fruit.
We can definitely walk through life looking lush and vibrant, but really, we have no fruit to offer. These things may look like accomplishments, rewards, bucket lists, and being MVP on a team, but that doesn't mean anything from a fruitful perspective.
So how do we know if we are actually producing "good fruit"? It is easy enough to attend a church service once or twice a year and be an overall good citizen, but what is the markings of a true heart change?
Galatians 5:22-23 tells us. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
So how do these things look in your life? I know that we all don't have all of these down at any given moment, but are you striving for these things? Not only do these fruits indicate what kind of faith you have, but practicing them brings about great light for Who your God is. We can never ever earn salvation, nor do we have to work for it, but what kind of fruit is your life showing? Do you strive to be a heart for God and showing the world Who He is? Stay connected to the Vine that will give you that heart.
Scripture to Read:
Matthew 7:15-20, John 15:1-17, Matthew 21:18-22
Questions to Ponder:
Which of the fruits of the Spirit do you feel you could use work on? How can you work on that this week?
Have you ever had some bad fruit come out? (Remember we are not perfect all of the time.) How can you work on focusing on good fruit when you feel like bad fruit wants to come out?
What is the difference between fruit and leaves? Why do you think Jesus cursed the fig tree?
How do you stay connected to the Vine?
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