I am a world-class worrier. I worry about my child, my health, my husband, my reputation, the weather, the food on the table, the money in the bank. If there is something to fret about, I will. Jesus gave us the best words of advice in His sermon on the mount though:
“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" - Matthew 6:27
It is amazing, this passage. One thing we need to remember is that Jesus had an eternal perspective. Worrying is something that is earthly. We worry about the earthly problems, and the daily circumstances, but one day none of it will matter. If we trust in Jesus, we will have an eternity, and nothing you worry about can possibly add or take away hours from that.
The problems we face today may be lifelong issues, but they aren't eternal issues.The money one day will be worthless. The food won't be needed. The only worry you should have is making sure your loved ones and all you meet know the love of Jesus.
Jesus goes on to tell us that Pagans run after food and clothes, when our Heavenly Father already knows we need those things. It is comforting to know that God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers, so why wouldn't He take care of us too? The remedy for worry?
Seek first the Kingdom. Get on a track of mind that is eternal. View life from a perspective that this isn't the end all. What we don't have on earth, we will have in heaven. When we begin to fret about things that we certainly can't change, or that really won't matter, stop and consider the Kingdom. Consider what God has done for you before and think about how much you matter to Him. Why would He leave you hanging? Even with hardships do strike, He will use those to prime you and grow you.
When the overall picture of life feels overwhelming, as it so often does for me, consider only today. "One day at a time." I repeat this as I deal with major anxiety about things. I may not be looking forward to something down the road, but I should allow it to ruin today. The day the worry comes, I take it one minute, even one second at a time. Jesus tells us to only worry about today. He isn't saying to be reckless and not think ahead, but not to worry yourselves so sick that you can't even make it through the days ahead without being sick, or the sleepless nights before. One day at a time. One minute at a time. One second at a time. It will always work out. Nothing can touch you if you have eternity waiting for you.
Scripture to read:
Matthew 6:25-34
Questions to ponder:
What do you worry about most?
How can you set aside those worries and place them in the hands of your Heavenly Father?
What is something you can take one day, one minute, one second at a time?
Seek first the Kingdom. Get on a track of mind that is eternal. View life from a perspective that this isn't the end all. What we don't have on earth, we will have in heaven. When we begin to fret about things that we certainly can't change, or that really won't matter, stop and consider the Kingdom. Consider what God has done for you before and think about how much you matter to Him. Why would He leave you hanging? Even with hardships do strike, He will use those to prime you and grow you.
When the overall picture of life feels overwhelming, as it so often does for me, consider only today. "One day at a time." I repeat this as I deal with major anxiety about things. I may not be looking forward to something down the road, but I should allow it to ruin today. The day the worry comes, I take it one minute, even one second at a time. Jesus tells us to only worry about today. He isn't saying to be reckless and not think ahead, but not to worry yourselves so sick that you can't even make it through the days ahead without being sick, or the sleepless nights before. One day at a time. One minute at a time. One second at a time. It will always work out. Nothing can touch you if you have eternity waiting for you.
Scripture to read:
Matthew 6:25-34
Questions to ponder:
What do you worry about most?
How can you set aside those worries and place them in the hands of your Heavenly Father?
What is something you can take one day, one minute, one second at a time?
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