Thursday, February 14, 2019

Agape Love - Protects

When I became a mother, something changed. Not only the fact that I had a colicky, screaming baby in the house, but the fact that my instincts became "fierce" a strong enough word? I gained a mama-bear drive that hasn't yet left to this day, as we look ahead to her turning five. I hear that never goes away and that one day when she's a teenager, it will drive her crazy. But the day she came home and told me a kid wasn't nice to her at school stirred up all sorts of emotions for me. Mama-bear wanted to go give that kid a piece of my mind, but mama-bear also just wanted to hold my daughter and let her know the kids who aren't nice to her shouldn't matter in her life. How do we embrace this agape trait of protection?

Protect others. We can agape people by protecting them when they can be/should be protected. There is a lot to be said when someone says "I've got your back." It shows innumerable amounts of love to that person. Not only does the person feel like they have a place to belong, but they also have people to do life with. How do we protect people? Consider a few things:

By taking your own blame. When you are in question, and you know you've screwed up, don't throw anyone under the bus, but yourself. Nothing says I devalue you more than blaming someone that was not at fault for your mistake.

By standing up for them. This not only goes for the injustices of the world, like human trafficking and slavery, but this is important in our everyday exchanges. If someone is gossiping about someone, stick up for the person they are gossiping about. I'm sure if there was dirt going around about you, you would want the same dousing going on for the rumors flying around. Even if you know the rumors are true, they are not warranted without the person there.

By providing to the ones you committed to. If you are wearing a wedding ring, you better be protecting the one who gave you that ring. If you gave someone a wedding ring, you better be protecting the one you gave it to. If you brought a child into this world, you better be providing for that child in every aspect they need provision for, even in faith.

By respecting them. The word "respect" is one that gets thrown around a lot by people today, even by people who don't show it. However, we lose sight of the fact that God loves even the ones who don't love Him, and we are called to love them too. This may look like not taken advantage of another person. They may look like seeing potential in someone even if you don't agree with what they are doing now. This may look like allowing opinions to be just opinions, not reasons to hate each other.

1 Peter 2:13-17
"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good, you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God's slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor." 
By protecting their faith or potential faith.

We see the examples of when Jesus protected others, even when everyone was thinking the person was wrong. Zacchaeus, the woman caught in adultery, the woman who spilled the perfume on His feet. Jesus displayed a protection over people that was so incredible and surprising.

Respect yourself. As God's chosen masterpiece, you need to look at the potential He sees in you. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. If you really stop and consider yourself for a moment, you could see all the pieces God put together in you to bring about something much bigger than what is going on in your life today. If it's one thing I'm learned through the storms and waves of this life, it is those storms actually made me prepared for what was ahead. God wants you to remember how treasured you are in His eyes. The plans He has for you are great, but you need to look past the negative feelings you have for yourself today. Don't allow anyone to take advantage of you or your gifts - your God-given, delicately planned out gifts.

Agape always protects. Some versions say Love (agape) bears all things. When we really dig to the roots of what this is saying, we'll find that love covers or roofs, placing protection over. Or it covers in silence - not as an accomplice, but as a protector for one with faults. In other words, it doesn't walk around boasting about someone's short comings. How are you protecting others and yourself?

Scripture to Read:
1 Peter 2:13-17, Ephesians 2:10

Questions to Ponder:
What is one of the traits of respecting others you would like to work on?
Why should be respect others? How is this a way of "protecting"?
How do you need to protect yourself? Why is it important to do so?

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