I just love seeing my youth group girls dance in their shows twice a year. You can see the dedication, the passion, the work they have put in all year to nail their twirls and forms. Without taking the time to practice or to really focus on what needs to be done, refining one's skill or passion is impossible. As with any sport, hobby, craft, you have to devote time to honing in on God so that you can become more and more in tune with Him, living life in His ways, and knowing the differences between His voice and that of the world.
To become devoted to something, it takes time and honesty. You have to address the habits that hold you back. You have to strive to discipline yourself to practice daily. In Deuteronomy 6:5, we are told to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." In Matthew 22:37 we are told similarly to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." It is easy to be so devoted to something that is in front of you, or that you will find rewards of this world in, but not so easy when you can't always feel God in front of you and know that that reward is far greater than any other you can get on earth.
Why is it important to become devoted to God? In a world that carries many different views from many different people, with many different opinions, we hear all sorts of "commentaries" on Who God is. Keeping in mind that God is the only One Who can tell us Who He truly is, it takes a relationship with Him - one that is more than attending church on Sunday mornings, or only on Easter and Christmas. To truly build relationship with someone, you spend time with them. To truly know the ins and outs of something, you get all up in it. Being devoted to God makes Him personal to you, no matter what someone else's portrayal is of Him.
Ruth's view of God was probably interesting, as she was from Moab, which didn't worship God. Her mother in law was bitter towards God. And her sister in law had gone back to worship her god. The only way Ruth could have learned Who God is, was to do what was right and getting to know Him up close and personal. Obviously Ruth had seen God in a real way and wanted to embrace Him as she did what she needed to in order to provide for her mother in law. Don't ever let humans crush your relationship with God - He is bigger than that. Don't ever let a circumstance crush your relationship with God - He is bigger than that. Don't ever walk through this life without Him - because you will fall, and you will need Him, whether you believe it or not.
So how do we devote ourselves to God? How do we fill the gap within us that we try to fill with merits of this world that only leave us wanting more? We strive to love Him, just as those above verses tell us to.
With all your heart. The heart is a symbol all throughout the Bible that represents the "center". The hub in which your life runs and desires are tick. Is He the center of everything you do? If you're married, dating, in love, make sure He is right there in the middle of it.
With all your soul. The Greek word for soul is "breath". The breath of life. We breathe in God's goodness and breathe out praises. I love the song "Great Are You Lord", as it says "It's Your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise..." That says it all. We wouldn't even be breathing and walking around this world without His hand.
With all your strength. With a force or great degree. Not that we force our beliefs on people, but we pursue God with everything and every ounce of energy we can muster.
With all your mind or might. Your understanding. Your way of thinking. Proverbs 3:5 tells us to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." When you truly know God and have seen Him work, you will know that His ways are nothing like the plans in your head or the way you see this world. They will blow your mind.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, "for I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper and not harm you, plans for a future and hope." Sounds good, doesn't it? The problem is we usually stop here, thinking we'll be handed this promise, and we fail to read the very next verses that tell us that we need to give a little too. Jeremiah 11:12-14 continues with, "then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the Lord..."
Do your part in seeking Him. Don't wait for Him to just hand it to you. Show you are devoted and you want to be devoted. Work for what is going to matter the most at the end of this life. Don't dare take another step without Him.
Scripture to Read:
Ruth 2:12, Deuteronomy 6:5
Questions to Ponder:
How does Boaz's words speak highly of Ruth's devotion to God?
How can you personally find habits to get more devoted to God?
What happens in your life when you become devoted more and more to God than on the the opinions of the world?
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