I'm probably one of the most insecure people I know, which is ironic because I work with Jr. High girls. I'm just going to be honest and say I think they are more secure in who they are than I am half the time. Maybe that's why I identify with that group of people best...? Insecurity means a lack of confidence. Uncertainty about oneself. Questioning of your worth and place in this world. But security is not found in anything that can change.
We try to find security in relationships. Singles scramble to keep any prospect in their lives just so they feel secure in marriage. Not a good place to find security.
We try to find security in careers. Feeling a sense of accomplishment and worth in a place that we know won't always be there. Not a good place to find security.
We try to find security in power, beauty, money, people, things...all horrible things to find security in.
Find a security in the One Who says He will never leave you or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6) That will never change, no matter how much you do. When we find security in Christ, nothing else will matter in 100 years. If you truly put your trust in Him and your life in His hands, you have nothing to worry about.
Ruth didn't try to squeeze God into her plans, but she followed the urging from God to go with her mother in law, to a place where no way ever would she find a future, just because of her origin. Ruth simply went about every day life, working to provide for Naomi and herself and God saw her heart and provided not only a living, but a man who honored Him and found favor in Ruth because of her lovely character and diligence. Ruth didn't show insecurity, she showed faithfulness and trust in a God she was just meeting. It is incredible to see how faithfulness wipes away insecurity.
I love the words to Lauren Daigle's song, You Say. It speaks volumes of how we should view security in Christ alone. If you haven't heard it, check it out here!
But the premise of the song is that we fight voices that say we're not enough, we are not loved, we are not worthy, but God says just the opposite of those things, and we should believe that what He says is true.
Insecurity will not only destroy you, it will destroy your relationships. Insecurity will place standards on people around you, mostly on your spouse or significant other, that they can't fill. Only God can fill them. The problem here is that you are trying to find security in humans, not God. The same goes for church. Church is a funny line because it is God's, but it is ran by imperfect humans. Many, many, many times people storm out, throw fits, or rant about how awful a church is because it didn't give them what they needed when they needed it. Again, where is the security here?
Insecurity in your career will leave you on mountaintops that will quickly tumble down into valleys, leaving you wondering why you're not happy. They you'll be scrambling back up the mountaintop again only to find yourself exhausted after each run, and depressed when you tumble back down.
Remember what God thinks of you and ask Him to reveal to you repeatedly the truth He has for you and about you. Insecurity creeps up from every direction - social media is a biggie, but God's Word is filled with love for you. See the things of this world, the circumstances of this life, and the accomplishments of your abilities as vapors that will be gone in the blink of an eye. See God's security as the eternal, secure picture that you should cling to hardest.
Scripture to Read:
Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:8
Questions to Ponder:
How does knowing that God is the same always encourage you?
What sorts of things are you putting security in that are leaving you frustrated and depressed?
How can you take steps today to remind yourself of what God thinks of you, so you can get out of the cycle of temporary securities?
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