Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2: Decisions

Life is loaded with questions and endless decisions. A new year and a new chapter in life most likely raises it's own set of decisions. Everyday you face questions and decisions, big and small. Today's readings look at the history of some decisions made in the Bible.

Reading: Psalm 2:1-12

Many times we may find ourselves angry with God, and even tempted to rebel against Him. But when we read this Psalm, we see the reasons why we should stick next to Him. The decision to do so can be hard though, especially if life has dealt you with a rough hand of cards. But no matter how hard life gets, we are told that the safest place to be is next to God. He is our refuge and strength when life gets shaky. When the decision comes to accept or reject God's refuge, we are warned about what happens when we choose to go our own way. 

What kinds of things in your life cause you to question your sticking by God's refuge?

What things in your life prove that He is taking care of you? 

Reading: Matthew 2:1-18

There may come a time in our lives where we have to decide what is right and wrong in forming our faith. King Herod hears of Jesus' birth and asks the wise men to find the child for him, so he can go and worship. However, Herod's motives are quite the opposite. Once the wise men find Jesus and worship Him themselves, the have a warning through a dream to not return to Herod. Their decision to do this kept Herod from Jesus. This can apply to our lives today in the decisions we make to protect Jesus in our own lives. Placing priority on Jesus over the things that could push Him out of our lives is important in keeping our faith growing in Him. Are you seeking Him to worship Him daily in your life, or are you seeking Him out of selfish ambition and only do it when you need something? 

What things in your life do you need to get rid of to allow your faith to grow?

At what points of your life do you seek Jesus? 

Reading: Genesis 2:18-4:16

God blessed us human beings with free will. Because of this, we have the power to control our own lives and make decisions everyday that will have consequences. Our first example comes from Adam and Eve, who give in to the serpent and eat the fruit that God told them not to. Because of this decision, there are heavy consequences. Then we see the case of Cain and Abel. Another example of disobedience and consequences. We can see from these examples that the decisions we make will have consequences, whether they are for the good or bad. We are warned in God's Word on how to live and that the decisions we make put us on certain paths for life. But we also can see from biblical history that no matter how many times we mess up and no matter how horribly we mess up, God still is there to welcome us back into His arms. His love never fails, and nothing can ever separate us from it. 

What have been some outcomes of the decisions you've made before? Good ones and bad ones:

How have you felt God's blessing in your life despite the bad decisions you have made in the past?

We are blessed with free will. But when we abuse this, we face consequences. Life can be tough, in fact, life WILL be tough at times, but we still have a decision to make when times come. Our decisions will reflect our maturity and how we take life's demands. We face temptations and trials, but we can choose how we react to them. Consider your decisions carefully. 

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