Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 24: Communication Complications

Reading: Proverbs 3:1-10

One way to clearly hear God's voice and direction in our lives is through His Words in scripture. We start this reading right off the bat being told to never forget what we're being taught in the Word and to store them safely in our hearts. From there, we read that we need to trust in the Lord completely, and not depend on our own directions. There's a reason we're told this, and if you've ever had a train wreck sort of day in life, trying to do things your own way, you'll understand why.
Humbling ourselves and remembering that great wisdom comes from God is key. When we can accept the fact that He is in control and knows what we need, when we need it, we will follow a great path in life (maybe not easy, but better with Him). We need to open our hearts and His Word to the great wisdom and advice He has to offer us instead of trying to go about life on our own understanding.

What is your favorite passage in the Bible? Why?

When have you opened God's Word and read exactly what you needed to hear at that time?

Reading: Matthew 16:21-17:13

God knows what will become of the future. Jesus states what will happen to His disciples and Peter essentially reprimands Him for saying such horrible things will come to pass. But Jesus reminds Peter (and us) that following Him isn't always about getting our way, or about living a life of comfort. Jesus says that if we cannot take up our cross daily, we cannot follow Him. This means that we need to surrender our plans, comforts, life, dreams, hopes, careers, whatever, to be fully on board with Him, no matter how hard the road gets. Peter didn't like the sounds of a dark future for Jesus, but we are called to follow, no matter what.
Another interesting aspect about this reading is when Jesus takes Peter, James and John up onto the mountain and they witness Jesus' appearance changing. He was in deep conversation with Moses and Elijah, and God's voice came out and said "This is My dearly loved Son, Who brings me great joy. Listen to Him."
From this, we can gather that we too, can live in close communication with God. Though, it may not be as audible and earth-rumbling as this instance, we still can get those communications from the Holy Spirit. God tells the disciples to listen to Jesus, telling us that we should also follow Jesus' example from what we learn from Him in the Word.

When have you experienced a nudging from the Holy Spirit? What was it like?

When have you chosen comfort over following Christ's path?

Reading: Genesis 47:13-48:22

We see a great legacy being left by Joseph as we reach the conclusion of his story, and Jacob's story. Even after all the great things Joseph accomplished and was able to do for Egypt and Pharaoh, he still gives all praise and glory to God, and hasn't forgotten about where he came from. Joseph was in close communication with God and knew that God was leading him the entire time, even through the struggles and onto the prosperity.
When we get to the point in our lives that we can look back and see all we've accomplished, we need to remember Who got us there. Our lives are nothing without God's guidance. As we read in Proverbs, we need to "trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding." Joseph was a prime example of this wisdom being played out. He didn't trust in his own mind, but in what God shone through him.
Remember where your accomplishments and prosperity comes from. Stay close to God, and He won't fail you.

What accomplishments have you had in life? Have you taken the time to thank God for them?

How have you seen God move in your life from struggle to success?

Communication is a two-way street. It takes one side to speak, and the other to listen. We can't carry out conversation without both ends. The same goes with following God's direction and listening to His words. When we make our relationship with Christ all about our end of things, and worrying about our own comforts and relishing in our own accomplishments, we lose the point of the word "relationship". Listen to His voice and always be open to His direction, whether it's comfortable or not.

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