Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 28: Consuming Passion

Reading: Proverbs 3:11-20

Opening yourself up to a relationship with Christ opens a world of wisdom, the thing that should be desired most over material things. When we see just how deeply wise Christ is, we can surely feel as if He can handle anything in our lives that we find to be the steepest mountain. His wisdom is what set the world into motion and it makes things work together in the most perfect design. If God can create such intricate and intelligent workings, what makes you think He can't handle what you throw at Him? Though we need to remember that His timing is more perfect than ours. In this reading, we are told to embrace wisdom tightly, as true happiness and satisfaction comes from His wisdom alone. (Verse 18).

What intricate design in this world do you find yourself in awe of the most?

How do you go about getting God's wisdom?

Reading: Matthew 19:16-30

The story of the rich man can be a tough one for people to grasp, especially in a society that is wealthy and is richer than much of the rest of the world. Jesus tells us that it nearly impossible for a rich man to inherit the kingdom of heaven. And we are left asking ourselves if Jesus really wants us to sell our possessions to follow Him?
When Jesus asks the rich man to sell his stuff, He knows that the treasure of this man's heart is his riches. We read that where ever your heart lies, that is whom you'll serve. Jesus asks this man to put Him before all his stuff. So in this man's case, yes - Jesus told him to sell his stuff. In your case - not necessarily.
But we need to ask ourselves what is that thing that is coming between us and God? What are we putting our hearts into over Christ? Jesus is asking you to move that down your list and put your passion into Him. Not that those things you love are bad, but are they taking up your time more than spending it with Him? If you have a hard time with this, you need to assess your heart.

What is your passion for?

Why did the rich man go away sad? What would your reaction be if Jesus told you to get rid of the stuff your heart longs for most for Him?

Reading: Job 8:1-10:22

Keeping a strong passion for God in the midst of suffering can seem hard, maybe even impossible. however, as we continue to read the dialogue between Job and his friends, we learn more about His heart. Though Job cursed the day he was born, he still recognized the power and greatness. He clings to the hope he has in God and expresses the fact that God can make anything happen. Instead of blaming God and asking Him why, he praises Him.
Though Job doesn't put on the "everything is great" face, he can express great faith along with honest life struggles.

What does your passion for Christ look like when you face struggles?

How do you glorify God in these hard times? How can this be an example to those around you?

Developing a deep passion for Christ can take some time, but comes when we recognize just how great and awesome He is. We can see His marvelous work all around us, despite the struggles we face. Placing our hearts on Him over the other things we desire in life can be a hard sacrifice to make, but Jesus wants our all, not just a part of our passion.

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