Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4: Navigating Ups and Downs

If one thing is for sure, life is filled with both blessings and trials. One day we can be on top of the world, and things will just seem to be flowing smoothly, but the next, we can find ourselves hitting a bump and wondering how we'll get through life. We can learn a lot from God's Word when it comes to navigating through this roller coaster called Life.

Reading: Proverbs 1:1-7

Proverbs kicks off in stating it's intentions. We learn that it is there to teach us from the wise and to help us grow as life comes. Using words of those before us to keep us on course is a great way to learn about getting through the ups and downs of life. We also learn from this opening segment of Proverbs, that the wise will take the instruction and turn first to God with life's roller coaster. But the stubborn will try to go their own way and fall. There's no question that we'll face battles in life, but the way we handle them will make all the difference from person to person. Heeding the wise words of Proverbs and the rest of God's Word is a good place to start, whether life has you feeling good, or feeling scared and low.

Where do you tend to turn when you face a battle in life?

What do you tend to do when you are feeling good about life?

Reading: Matthew 4:1-22

 This reading about Jesus is a great example of how life can be wonderful one minute, then be hard the next. Jesus, Who has just come off of this spiritually high moment in His life - baptism, goes out into the wilderness and fasts for 40 days. Of course, Satan takes advantage of Jesus' weakness at the time and tempts Him, first with food and turning stones to bread, then with attention as he tempts Him to jump from the temple and prove He will be saved, and finally with power over all the kingdoms of the world if He kneels and worships Satan. Jesus, however, uses His wisdom from the scriptures to fight against Satan and his temptations. Satan even uses scripture to try and sway Jesus, but Jesus uses scripture in the right context to shut him down.
Once Jesus is out of the wilderness, He learns that John the Baptist has been thrown in prison for preaching. Of course this saddens Jesus and probably discourages Him a bit, however He doesn't stop doing what He was called to. Jesus continues to rally for the cause and seeks disciples to follow Him and carry out His mission.
Though we face ups and downs in life, we can stay focused on the mission and continue to fight for what is right. Satan will push us down, and we will be tested in many aspects, but we can learn from Jesus' determination and continue hard into the fight. Learn from Jesus' life and take the battles as they come, yet stay focused on the big picture and the mission.

When have you been tempted before? How did you handle it?

What can you do when life throws the curve balls at you? (Look at Jesus' reactions.)

Reading: Genesis 7:1-9:17

From Noah, we see how blessing can come out of hardship. It is a horrible thing that God had to destroy the earth and all in it because of such terrible behavior and evil. The fall of the human race certainly causes great hardship for all. But there is blessing for those who seek Him. Noah and his family are called to carry on the human race after all is destroyed. And though I'm sure Noah faced his own realm of frustrations and hardships during this time (you try building a  huge boat during a dry season, then living months on it with relatives and animals), he was able to see the outcome of the hardship. Once the flood receded and they were free to again wander the earth and fill it back up, Noah was able to see God's greatness and blessing through it all. He was able to experience the great love that God had for him, despite the horrific things that went on around him in the world.
When we feel as if life is horrible and that everything is working against you, remember that there is blessing at the end of the road. It may take some time to see it and to see the purpose in the craziness you have gone through, but God always has a plan of blessing. He won't fail you when you are set on following Him and His will. Hold tight to these truths as you face battles.

At what point in your life have you felt that everything was working against you, even though you knew it was what God was intending for you?

How were you blessed through it? What kind of light did it shed at the end of it all?

Navigating through life's endless battles and blessings can be daunting and even frustrating. But we can see from God's Word that it is possible and even worth it when we stick close to Him. Remembering that a hardship can shed light in the end is important, though it may be the last thing you care about at the time. God will use it and refine you through it. Hold tight to Him and remember that He won't ever leave you. 

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