Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day 14 - Worth

Day 14
Genesis 29-30, John 12

Worth is sought after in many places. You can try and find it among friends, relationships, status, achievements...but unless you find it in God's eyes, you won't ever feel content. We see this in the story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel. Jacob worked hard to "earn" Rachel from Laban, but was fooled into having Leah first. There was quite the rivalry going on between the sisters as they thought providing children was the way to Jacob's heart. If only Rachel could see that this wasn't what Jacob wanted from her, and even became frustrated, asking her why she expected him to provide her the ability to have children. Again, we see a family taking matters into their own hands to compete and feel valuable in the eyes of someone other than God.
We even see how Jacob had fallen into this worth ritual as he built up his flocks from Laban's, creating more wealth for himself. 
But God shows great blessing on Jacob as he has many children, carrying out the promise made about his family having many descendants.

In John, Mary anoints Jesus with expensive perfume, being judged by the people around her for "wasting". But Jesus assures the people that she is in the right. Mary is finding her worth and pouring out her entire life to what matters most in this life - Jesus.
And as the story of Jesus in the Book of John starts to near the end, we see the build up to His death. His triumphant entry show the people who believed in Him, praising Him as he went by. Others, however, still didn't believe and continued to walk in darkness. The Pharasees wanted human praise over the Lord's praise, as they continued to try to look good before others. Jesus calls this out in verse 43.
Jesus tells us that He has come so we no longer need to remain in darkness. Our eyes can be so opened wide if we just look to the Light that is Jesus! He shows us where our eternal value lies, but accepting this is hard for people. It can be discouraging watching a friend continually place their worth in other things that keep burning them. Eternal, lasting worth cannot come from things or people. It cannot come from wealth, spouses, friends...only in Christ.

What do you rely on to make you feel "worth" and value? Are you counting on a relationship? Are you hoping money will get you there one day? None of those things will do it in the long run. Money isn't forever. People are people. God, however is everlasting and unchanging. Placing your worth and gaining your value from Him will never send you wrong. Ponder today what you need to do to build yourself up in Him.

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