Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day 26 - Endurance

Day 26
Job 3-4, James 1

 Have you ever reached the point of frustration with life that you just wish you never had to live it? That is where Job is at in this moment in our reading. When the silence is finally broken between him and his friends, we can see the venting that takes place as Job questions his life and purpose. Eliphaz offers his advice, without fully understanding Job's situation. He does, however, tell Job to look to God for hope, as he asks him if his reverence truly give him confidence. As this dialogue continues, we will see more and more how useless and frustrating their advice becomes.  

In those moments like Job has here, it is encouraging to remember James 1. We are told I have joy when we face trials. This doesn't seem to be a gut reaction when we face extreme hardship as Job has. We want to react and ask why God would allow something so I terrible to happen to us. But if we view trials and follow James' advice on how to take on trials, we will grow leaps and bounds in our faith and endurance. 

Much of our reaction to trials make us see where our loyalties lie. When you are able to stand on the Rock that is Christ, you get the amazing opportunity to see His work through your life and in your faith. With every hardship and trial given to Him, the greater faith and endurance you will have. 

Practicing and conditioning for sports is the same idea. If you jump into a competition without having those times of coaching and conditioning, it is going to be mighty hard to keep up with the team. However, when you prep yourself and view those tough practices as gaining you strength and endurance, they are better to face. Trials are like a conditioning for facing the ones ahead. 

Frustrations in this life can pile up and leave you feeling hopeless. We should find joy in them, however, as they are preparation for using your faith again. How can you allow the hardships in your life to grow you in endurance? Place your trust in Christ and see what He can do through you! 

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