Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 19- Never Alone

Day 19
Genesis 39-40, John 16

Joseph's situation is like a roller coaster ride. He is sold into slavery, but promoted again and again in his position, accused falsely, thrown in jail, promoted by the warden there, and then is forgotten about. We can see in reading Joseph's words in missing his homeland that he is hurting, but we can also see how he is thriving in the situations he is in, and giving the glory to God.
The situation you are in can be made the best of, as we see Joseph does. He uses his gifts and knows that he isn't alone - God is with him every step of the way! It is repeated again and again in these 2 chapters in Genesis that "God remembered Joseph" or "God was with Joseph". God is with you and remembers you too.

In John, Jesus is telling His disciples that He is going away, but they won't be alone, for the Spirit will be with them. This world is a hard, hard place, but Jesus reminds us that He has overcome the world and we won't have to do it alone. Tears will become joy and every situation can be made whole if we turn to Him!

Do you feel alone today? Remember that you are never alone when you accept Christ to be with you. He is your Rock and Advocate, and will carry you through this hard world. Make the best of every situation and use your gifts to stand out. Joseph was surely a light in his hard times, and you can be as well. Work diligently for the Lord, and know He is with you always. 

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