Thursday, January 21, 2016

Day 21 - (Hope)lessness

Day 21
Genesis 43-45, John 18

After great hopelessness, comes great hope. That is surely a theme as we read on in both Genesis and in John.

As we continue on with Joseph's story, we can see the hopelessness that fills Joseph's brothers and his father as they seem to encounter hardship from this leader that they don't know is actually their long, lost brother. Jacob wants to cling to his family, and not lose any more of his sons, but it is Judah that takes responsibility for anything happening to Benjamin and it is Judah's words to Joseph that cause him to break down and share the truth. There has been great change in Judah over the years, as we see that hope can carry into people as well. Judah, being the brother who suggested doing away with Joseph and causing his father great pain in the first place, has now become the one to stand up for the favored brother, Benjamin and protect his father.

There is hope for changed hearts and changed situations. It is amazing how God works through these things and uses them for His glory!

As Jesus is taken into custody and Peter falls into the denial trap, all hope seems lost here as well. Jesus knows what will happen, and He knows that it is for His Father's will and glory. It is always hard to read of the struggles that Jesus endured for us, but the hope that it brought to the world is absolutely priceless.

The disciples probably felt pretty hopeless as Jesus' death is carried out. The bigger picture isn't clear to them yet, and they probably didn't expect things to go this way as a follower of Jesus. How many times as a follower do you feel like things can be hopeless? The bigger picture tells us, however, that with Christ, there is always hope! We can't lose everything because when He is our everything, nothing can touch that.

What are you hopeful for today? What may be causing hopelessness in your life currently? If you take anything from today's reading, remember that God has the big picture! Just because we're on the pixel that seems dark and unending, doesn't mean we should give up. When you can see what work God has done through those times of hopelessness, you can have greater hope in the future. 

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