Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Day 58- Heart Focus

Day 58
Exodus 29-30, Matthew 15

Our hearts can be focused on many things in this world, but focusing it on our relationship with Jesus is the most important. Because of His sacrifice, and because of His blood, we don't need to carry out the meticulous rituals of the Old Testament times. The details of the Exodus reading sure shows how serious it was to cleanse oneself of their sins. It also shows just how seriously we take our relationship with God and in coming to Him with pure hearts.

Jesus is our Savior. He restores, forgives and redeems. Accepting a relationship with Him is accepting the redemption, forgiveness and cleansing of our sins. The most important relationship you can say "yes" to is one with Him.

We read in Matthew how traditions and rules can be a heart issue. We are a people of routine, comforts, traditions, but these are the things that Jesus teaches against. These are the things that stunt growth. We cling to those things so much, that we miss the true meaning of our faith, of church, and of Christianity. Think about this in the perspective of the church. We cling to our buildings, things, traditions and routines. What happens to the mission? What happens when people who are unfamiliar with church walk in for the first time and see people more worried about structure, traditions and the things around them to notice a life that is in dire need of a Savior?  Or maybe they feel welcomed at first, but after awhile, the true colors come out. The rituals become more important than the mission. Where does your heart lie? In programs, in newsletters, in the things of the church? Or in the bottom line of the Great Commission? Jesus makes it pretty clear here.

The struggles faced in this reading are physical struggles. Jesus heals many sick people as they show Him faith and worship Him. When Jesus sees the crowd of 4,000 hungry people, He has compassion on them, showing us that His heart is in the needs of people, rather than the things and traditions of the religious leaders. When we are hungry for Christ, and seek Him, we will be shown compassion.

This is an example for us to show compassion on the poor and hungry ourselves. We can go through life in physical pain and struggles, but the same concept goes with having faith and asking God to heal us. Rejoice during the good days, ask Him for help on the hard days. Jesus shows us compassion as long as we seek Him and His will. As we can see when Jesus feeds the crowds of the hungry, He can take very little and make it overflow with greatness. We just need to trust in Him and have sincere hearts that have faith and that cry out to Him to do His will in our lives.

Is your heart focused on what YOU care about and want out of this life, or on the mission and greatest relationship you can ever have in Jesus Christ? We need to learn to let go of the things we put in the way of loving others and giving us focus on what truly matters. Take some time to realize what is holding you back from fully embracing God with your entire heart today. 


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