Day 68
Psalm 31-32
You may feel ignored by the people around you, or even the people who are close to you, but you should know that God always sees you and hears you. He keeps tabs on you and knows your heart. He will protect you and provide for you in the just the right ways. He will place you in just the right situations to help you grow and be more faithful to Him. He knows your desires and what you long for. He knows.
On the flip side, He also knows all of our bad thoughts. He knows about the person we lied to, the things we thought about that girl's dress or hair. He knows what we do when we are alone. He knows when our motives are not good.
However, we are living for a forgiving and compassionate God Who longs for us to come to Him. When we mess up and need to ask for His hand, He will give it to us. Holding in our sin and downfalls can create a guilt that is bubbling over to near-insanity. Letting those go to God and allowing Him to forgive you will take the burden away from you. He knows your situation, why not be open about it from your point of view to Him.
He knows all! He knows what we do when we are alone. He knows our thoughts and our motives. Come to Him with confession and be free from your guilt and from the pains that drive you down. He will offer you His hand and forgiveness if you just confess and ask! He knows what you need right now.
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