Day 61
Exodus 34-35, Matthew 17
We read about two very significant encounters with God today, and the effects that come with encountering God.
Moses, went up onto the mountain for 40 days to inscribe the covenant he and God made for the people into stone tablets. During this encounter, Moses had no food and no water, as the Lord provided all he needed in that time. One of the covenants that was brought up was that of only working 6 days and spending the 7th resting in God. While this is a very hard thing to do in today's culture, it is still extremely important. I can't even begin to tell you how valuable and necessary my personal time with God is. While it He doesn't only encounter us in the quiet times, those are some of the best times I've shared with Him.
Moses comes down from the mountain, glowing, after his encounter with God. I can see so much truth to how we "glow" after encountering God. I find myself longing for those moments again and again. My day gets off to a much better start when I have those times and I tend to "glow" more brightly in my attitude and demeanor throughout the day.
In Matthew, we see how Peter, James and John up to the mountain to be alone and again, encounter God. This powerful experience leaves the disciples trembling and in awe of the power of God. God gives huge credibility to Jesus, His Son, telling the disciples to listen to Him. We can take from this to also listen to what Jesus tells us through the Word and in His example for us.
We don't have to have a HUGE encounter with God like Moses and the disciples had. He can move in mighty, mighty ways in our circumstances and in the quietness of our souls. Jesus tells the disciples that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains! It is interesting to me that this comes after this huge encounter on the mountain. God works in the big things and the tiniest of details.
Having those opportunities for encountering God is a necessary and powerful thing. It is so hard to do in today's culture and with the busyness of our lives, but when you allow that time, He actually makes life less complicated because you are in His Word and have Him in your mind. Allowing God to help you plan the steps of your day and being open to His encounter is a major relief. Life will still come with the problems, heartaches and pain, but when you have God in your day, you can face it more readily.
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