Day 69
Leviticus 11-12, Matthew 23
The rules and processes we read in Leviticus were a way of setting God's people apart from the rest of the world. It was more than about what they ate or the way they compensated for sin, but it was a way to be different and show total devotion and obedience to God. When we bring ourselves before God, we should come with a heart open to Him, with no other distractions, whether it be a TV or the wrong attitude in approaching Him.
Jesus sure fires at the Pharisees in our Matthew reading today. We are to take a lesson from this though. The Pharisees who were known for being "religious leaders" of the time didn't have the heart that reflected what they preached. While holding people to daunting standards and demanding respect, rather than being loving people who try to help others. The leadership qualities that Jesus shares the lack of among the Pharisees should show us the one we should strive for as Christ-followers, including humility, integrity, compassion, vision, focus, generosity, and authenticity.
If you really think about having these qualities, you can see why they are important in being a true example and leader for Christ. When you are a genuine follower from the inside out, you put off a much better picture of Christ. But when you only live it on the outside or only act like a Christian on Sundays, you will be labeled a hypocrite, just like those Pharisees. Be careful of the picture you are painting and be sure that your heart is in it as much as your appearance.
Jesus longs for us to turn to Him with all our heart. We get a great a picture of this throughout His ministry and in the prayer He puts out at the tail end of Matthew 23. He has compassion on those in need, including those in need of a Savior. Are you doing all of it for show and to impress people? Or do you longingly pursue Christ with your all, wanting the best relationship and picture of Him?
Come before Him with a heart open and focused. We never have to clean up our lives before coming to Christ, but allow Him to cleanse you of the mess. Don't be a showy follower, trying to impress the people around you and dictating what is right and wrong. Lead with humility, integrity, compassion, vision, focus, generosity and authenticity. Be completely genuine from the inside out.
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