Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13: Doing God's Work

Reading: Psalm 9:1-6

The opposition is great and merciless. When we are doing God's work, and making great moves in His Name, that is when the opposition can be the worst. We will face trials when doing God's work, because Satan doesn't want it to happen. He can't stand another victory for the Kingdom of God. When we are working for God though, He'll pull us through, and the work we put in, and the opposition we succeed in warding off will be such a sweeter victory because of the reward it puts forth. Rejoice in The Lord when He wards off our enemies and the opposition that so deviously manipulates its way in. Rejoice because He has pulled you through in working in and under His Name!

Reading: Matthew 10:32-11:15

We are called to do God's work as Christians, even if it means it's messy for us. Jesus even states in this reading that if you love your mother and father more than Me, you are not worthy to be His disciples. Wow! If we cling to our lives, we lose it. If we give it away for the work of Christ, we find it. Our society places such value on success and possessions. The Christian life demands giving it away for the cause of Christ. When we chase after our own glory, we are left unsatisfied and thirsty for more, causing us to be gluttons for glory. The glory belongs to Christ.
Here we read that the opposition could end up being our very own family and friends. When we place more value on their opinions than on the cause and work for Christ, we are denying Christ. Don't refrain from doing God's work because you're afraid of offending or hurting others. Just because working in His Name could get messy for us, that is no reason to not do what is right for the cause of Christ. If we love our friends and family more than God, we are not worthy of being His disciple. If we refuse to face the opposition, we are not worthy to be His disciple. This reading is pretty straight forward and blunt. Be careful not to confuse being Christ's disciple for salvation. Works don't save. The grace of God does. But be sure to check the motives of your heart.

Reading: Genesis 27:1-28:22

The story of Esau and Jacob is definitely an exciting and drama-filled one. We see how both Rebekah and Jacob are very strong-willed people. This is good for doing the work of The Lord, but can also be used to manipulate and force your way. We see later on in Genesis how God uses Jacob in mighty ways in His work. The personality traits and gifts God gives us can be both powerful in doing His work, or a tool of hurting others for your own gain. This story alone is huge proof of how Rebekah and Jacob use their gifts and personalities for getting their own way.

So how will you face the work of God? How will you tackle opposition, even if it's coming from a loved one? What gifts and traits has God given you to carry out His work? Are you using those for the best God could call you to? Don't abuse the gifts He's given you. Use them for His glory.

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