Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17: The Poison of Pride

Reading: Psalm 10:1-11

Entitlement is a poison that taints the hearts of those who are wicked and full of themselves. Our society is filled with this idea of entitlement. The Bible promotes humility over and over though. We are not entitled to anything. We are a fallen, selfish people, who only by the grace and mercy of God will we have salvation from eternal separation from God.
Entitlement leads to sin and destruction. Whether it's destruction to yourself or others in whatever sense, the fact still remains. Psalm 10 states that the wicked are too proud to let God in. They have no room for Him, because they are too busy seeking the temporary highs and rushes of life. Don't fill your heart, head and life with the petty joys of this life, when God can satisfy those ultimately. Don't allow yourself to be too proud and too entitled to need God in your life.

Reading: Matthew 12:46-13:17

There are many points and lessons taught here by Jesus.

First: Be open to the family of Jesus. Pride can sure cause some despair in a family when it is used by one individual. What happens when you see a teenager "too cool" to participate in family activities? The unity is less meaningful. Don't let your pride get in the way of the family of Christ. A humble heart and understanding are crucial to the family of God.

Second: Be humble enough to get a solid foundation in Christ. Jesus shares a parable about sown seeds. Only those that are able to get their roots in good soil produce the best and most plentiful harvest. The same goes for those who rely on the Word of God. Don't think you know it all when it comes to handling life's situations. When you don't have a good foundation or solid scripture under your belt, the tiniest quake can push you over. A sold- out heart for Jesus is what will keep you standing strong. His Word is a good play book for the game of life.

Third: Protect yourself. Have enough humility to rely on God to take care of you. Jesus compares the worries and struggles of this life to be like thorns that choke the plants. Much like having the humility to be deeply rooted in Christ, we need the humility to ask for help and peace from Him too.

Reading: Genesis 34:1-35:29

There is much to learn from the story of this reading. We see selfishness all around. One leading to the rape of Dinah, and the other brought about in a cruel revenge slaughter. Though we all screw up at one time or another (hopefully not to the extent of those in this reading), it is important to still find ourselves at the feet of Jesus, Who can make us truly clean and redeem us. We see that Jacob did this after the huge mistakes his sons made. God answers his cry in telling him what to do to make good of the circumstance.
Jacob wasn't too prideful to cry out when God felt far. We have those moments in life where we've been hurt, or have done the hurting, and in those times, God can feel so distant. But He never is. When we humble ourselves before Him in sincere and raw emotion, He hears our cry and can work wonders through the worst of situations. Don't think you have to fix things on your own. God is there to keep you going. Just reach out to Him.

Pride and entitlement are both very poisonous things when applied in the wrong ways. Our society seems to endorse both. Remember that God is the Humble King, Who needs your humility to expand His kingdom, as well as expand your faith. Don't close yourself off because of a sense of entitlement, or because you are too proud to ask for help. Allow God to work marvelous work in and through you. The humble are His best candidates.

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