Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 19: Most Intimate Relationship

Reading: Psalm 11:1-7

The Lord examines and knows every person on earth. God is big and small enough to have an intimate relationship with everyone on earth. The virtuous will see His face. A relationship with God is the most important one you can have. When we find ourselves in need of refuge or rest, His arms are always open, welcoming us to Him. We can see all throughout Psalms the relationships people carried on with God. The emotions expressed to God are definitely raw and sincere ones that you would express to your closest friend or loved one. When we allow God to be our closest refuge, we can express those same types of emotion to Him and be confident He hears us.

Reading: Matthew 13:36-58

How much do you value your relationship with Christ? Enough to sell everything and sacrifice the "weeds" in your life to follow Him? In these parables, Jesus really puts into picture how valuable a relationship with Him is. Though things of this earth may be tangible, like a pearl, a true relationship with Christ may be a little tougher for us to grasp when it comes to the extraordinary value of it. To truly embrace this relationship, we need to cut out the distractions, the burdens, the sin, everything - and make the most important relationship in our lives the priority. We can cast our cares and our burdens on Him. Are you willing to search high and low for something even more valuable than a pearl? Everything in this life is meaningless without Him in it. In the end, we won't have our treasures and wealth, but we'll have our faith and salvation. Keep that relationship at the top of your priorities.

Reading: Genesis: 38:1-39:23

This reading is true indication of the importance of faithfulness in Christ, no matter what our circumstance is. When we embrace the intimacy Christ wants to share with us, even with our lives are at the bottom of the pit, we soon see that our faithfulness will get us through. Though Judah slept with Tamar, his daughter-in-law, without realizing who she was, he demanded that she be burned when he learned his daughter-in-law was pregnant. However, the evidence that Judah wasn't truly innocent either was in the seal, cord and staff he left her for collateral. This saved her, and revealed Judah's hypocrisy.
We see another picture of how faithfulness in Christ in the lowest of times can help us when Joseph is wrongly accused of taking advantage of Potiphar's wife. But the Lord remembered Joseph's faithfulness and he was taken care of while in prison, even granted some responsibilities. Later we'll see how God blesses Joseph greater.
Our faithfulness in Christ, even when life is at it's worst, will make it easier. God will take care of us no matter the circumstances of our lives. We just need to hold on to that hope and faith that He is there, and truly believe He will come through.

What is your relationship with Christ like? Do you allow yourself to know Him deeper than any other relationship you have? Turn to His Word, turn to Him in prayer, and turn to Him in faithfulness, even when life can make you bitter. Just remember that He remembers and knows you. Let Him take care of you, and stay strong in Him, making Him your priority!

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