Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 5: Your "Ultimate"

Reading: Psalm 4:1-8

When we call to God, He will answer. It is only In Him we will find true peace and security. So many people in our society strive to fill their fears and securities with money or success, but end up just longing for more or are left unsatisfied and crushed later. God is the never-ending abundance of security and hope we can rely on. Our lives won't be easier, but we'll sure have a great source to get us through that no money or fame can buy for us.

Reading: Matthew 4:23-5:20

Where are you finding the ultimate happiness? Many people will find it in money, fame, experiences, drugs, possessions, looks, men, women, etc. but we read in the sermon on the mount that Jesus say He is the only true hope and happiness. God blesses all who mourn, all who are poor, all who are humble, all who hunger for justice, all who are merciful, all who have pure hearts, all who work for peace, and even all who are persecuted and mocked in His name. Seems pretty backwards from our get all you want now society. We live in a world that glorifies sex, violence, immediate gratification, gadgets, technology, and money. Yet in Matthew, we are told that Jesus blesses the poor, the pure and the humble. So which of these do we follow? Something that will leave you longing for more later? Or the One, true happiness that will leave you with unimaginable, eternal rewards?

Reading: Genesis 9:18-11:9

In these readings we see examples of selfishness. When we read about Noah getting drunk, it is Ham who exposes him to his brothers, (perhaps to gain some credit?) when he could have just covered up Noah's nakedness himself. This angered Noah and I'm sure it embarrassed him too. When we read about the Tower of Babel, the people were working to gain the fame they wanted. What they fail to realize is that true fame only belongs to God, and all credit for accomplishment is due to Him. We see that this is how the different languages were made. Ultimate fame and blessing comes from God alone. One of my favorite lyrics from my favorite artist, Lecrae comes from his song "Chase That (Ambition)":

 "He (Satan) lies to us all, told Adam he could ball
'Why you following God when you could have it all?"
I tell you what's better, or better yet, worse-
Chasing your own glory, while doing the Lord's work
So holla if it hurts, but we were made for greater
Our greatest satisfaction is making His Name famous..."

So look to God to be your ultimate fame and the One Who you long to please.

Who or what are you making your ultimate in life? Are you constantly left disappointed? Could be a sign of where your heart is.

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