Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20: Direction

Reading: Proverbs 2:12-22

The paths of life can be hard to follow at times. Proverbs 12 tells us some tips on how to stick on the right path. Wisdom will guide us from those who pressure us to do the wrong things, as well as guide us from the temptations that lure us in. We are encouraged to follow the paths of those who are righteous. The righteous will enjoy the true rewards, but the wicked will be deprived of them. It is important to gain wisdom so that the paths you follow will be the right ones. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the temptations and the socially acceptable things of this culture. Just because everyone is doing it, the Bible and e wisdom we get from it may tell us we are not to do it. Stay in the Word so you can stay on top of the ways of the culture.

Reading: Matthew 14:1-21

This reading is the true example of what the Proverbs reading we had today warns against. Herod focused on self gratification, which is what leads to the death of John the Baptist. At a party, he lets the wrong words slip out of his mouth, and he tells a dancing girl she can have nothing she wants. After he hears her request, he immediate regrets his promise to her. A little wisdom could have saved John the Baptist's life. When we have wisdom and decide to think before we speak, things could be so much smoother in our lives. We are surrounded by so many means of social media, that can be used to build up or attack. When we are wise enough to hold back word we may regret, it can save so much remorse.
As this reading continues, we see the need Jesus has to be alone after learning of His cousin's death. He ends up getting swarmed by people, but instead of turning them away, He has compassion on them, and performs the miracle of feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, with leftovers to spare. Jesus shows the wisdom to not turn away those in need, especially when He was emotionally strained Himself. When we bless others, we will be built up and blessed, even when we don't feel like it at the time. Jesus knows this, and creates the example for us to follow. Let wisdom be your direction and guide.

Reading: Genesis 40:1-41:40

We see the growth Joseph has experienced since he was young,especially in light of the trials and hardship. When Pharaoh calls on Joseph to interpret his dreams, Joseph tells him he doesn't have the ability alone to do it, but only through God. This passing of glory shows just how much Joseph has learned to rely on God through the hardships he's been through. Because of this wisdom and ability to interpret Pharaoh's dreams, Pharaoh calls on him to guide their nation in stocking up for the famine coming according to Pharaoh's dream interpretation.
Because of Joseph's wisdom and glory to God, we see how the hardships have become a blessing for him.

Where are you getting wisdom? How is your wisdom guiding you down the paths of life? Be sure your wisdom and guidance is coming from the only reliable source, Christ and His Word.

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