Day 29
Job 11-13, James 4
We are wide-open books to God. We may be able to cover things up to the people around us, but God will always know the things we do, what we say, think, and the motives of our hearts. Zophar made this point - although very wrongly Job's case, he was correct in this fact. People can deceive us and we can surely deceive people, but if God could tell us the thoughts of everyone, it would be scary indeed.
Why do we hide our motives from people when God can see right through them? Why not trying to be pure all the way through, so you are genuine and authentic? Job knows how authentic he has been, and wants to argue his case with God. The only thing Job is forgetting is that God already knows his inside and out. He knows his heart and knows what is going to happen. Job and his friends don't know what lies ahead. One thing that Job reminds us of though is that God's wisdom is the best wisdom.
We can trust that God's plans will far-exceed our own. We plan and plan and plan and think we have life all laid out ahead of us, but we are reminded in James that our lives are here today, but could easily be gone tomorrow. We fight for what we want, but forget to get God involved, in asking Him for His ideas and His plans.
How often are you convinced you will reach a certain goal? I don't think there is anything wrong with goal-setting; in fact, I believe it is a healthy thing to do. However, when you set goals without taking God's plans into consideration, you may end up crushed temporarily. Having a heart that is open to God's timing and God's leading will ensure you are brought to your knees in the amazing work He can do in and through you!
Remember that God knows everything. He knows you inside and out. He knows your heart and it's motives. He knows what lies ahead of you. When you begin to try and hide things from God, you will be harshly mistaken one day in thinking you can, and when you set goals outside of His plans for you, you may end up crushed rather than see the amazing things He can do that will far-exceed your plans! Give it to Him, because He knows you and He knows what lies ahead.
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